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advice abt a cat


i recently developed a small crush on my neighborhoods cat. shes started to pick up on it, and shes been pawing and licking my dick, as well as letting me touch her further down. i want her really bad but i know im a LOT bigger than her and i dont want to hurt her. what should i do
Oral just with the tip of your tongue might work with cats. I don't know much about cat anatomy.

Also please don't do that to your neighbors cat. There's risks in sexual activity like giving her an infection from your mouth. You can guard her from those risks as the owner by watching her constantly for signs of problems and giving her the best vet care. You can't do that really do that from your position. Any problems will fall back on the owner who would be unaware and caught off guard.
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You will probably find it nearly impossible to take her vaginally since as she might be approximately 5mm or so in diameter, whether she is sexually intact or not.
If she is super nice (and tolerant) enough, you can gently attempt anal using heaps of lube, and practice. However to my knowledge, I have not yet heard of anybody trying a go with a cat.
Oral (she on you, or you on her) might be your best way to engage with her ;)
You will probably find it nearly impossible to take her vaginally since as she might be approximately 5mm or so in diameter, whether she is sexually intact or not.
If she is super nice (and tolerant) enough, you can gently attempt anal using heaps of lube, and practice. However to my knowledge, I have not yet heard of anybody trying a go with a cat.
Oral (she on you, or you on her) might be your best way to engage with her ;)
Advising someone to pursue anally penetrating an animal that isn't even theirs, let alone will likely never be receptive(because almost all animals are not) to it is extremely irresponsible advice. Putting your face near a cats genitals, no matter how mild mannered, is also a nice way to have to come up with an excuse for why your entire face is clawed up and bleeding.
i recently developed a small crush on my neighborhoods cat. shes started to pick up on it, and shes been pawing and licking my dick, as well as letting me touch her further down. i want her really bad but i know im a LOT bigger than her and i dont want to hurt her. what should i do
just simply rub her. as long you are just... prodding and rubbing theres no harm... the one thing you should worried about is her own comfort in the whole thing. (if shes a stray please take care of her instead of just leaving her out in the weather. if she really does catch your eye im sure she will brighten anyone's day.)

thats pretty much the dealio. measured 'feels' and loose holding. to her freedom to move.

but again if this is someone else's... then just leave it be since responsibility is important. (i got a cat at home and so far its good to know and learn but a random is unpredictable)
i recently developed a small crush on my neighborhoods cat. shes started to pick up on it, and shes been pawing and licking my dick, as well as letting me touch her further down. i want her really bad but i know im a LOT bigger than her and i dont want to hurt her. what should i do
Hello my friend, I have 2 chats and had some before. If it is not your personal cat, I think it is better to leave it, too many worries can result from an attempt and all the problems that you could give him by mistake and yours (Toxoplasmosis, Cat’s Claw Disease, Ringworm, Pasteurellosis, Campylobacteriosis and/or Rabies (Rage), the genital area, can potentially expose a person to other types of bacteria or pathogens present in these areas.

Its vaginal or even anal opening is too small for your machine and you risk to open it, even with training. I could give a stupid example, it is as if you thread a paste of type "Pennes" or tube shape with your device, there will necessarily rupture.

Even if you rub your vagina or anus, there will automatically be traces of excrement, because of licking.

At the limit, if it had been a male, you might have considered a smear with his penis, but here is a female, problems can be bigger, the only advice I can give you, it is to continue that she continues to lick you and you reciprocally.

I am not very wise of this kind of situation, small or anything, but if it is the stray cat, offer him a little of the warmth of your home and if it is someone’s... Anyway, leave him.

I hope you will follow my advice :) .
I understand the temptation is there, but don't mess around with other people's pets unless they are aware of it and ok with it. Those would be my first questions: are your neighbours aware of your fling, and if so, are they ok with it? If they are, then look at the advice here. If they're not, then anything you do amounts to fence-hopping, and that's not looked on kindly here.
Advising someone to pursue anally penetrating an animal that isn't even theirs, let alone will likely never be receptive(because almost all animals are not) to it is extremely irresponsible advice. Putting your face near a cats genitals, no matter how mild mannered, is also a nice way to have to come up with an excuse for why your entire face is clawed up and bleeding.
Yes thank you for the correction. You are certain right about this! Cats can be unbelievably unpredictable and potentially nasty. Nobody (person or kitty) wants unforeseen injuries.

It is better leave kitties as they are.