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A sad story of beast

Alright everyone, I hope you're sitting down because this is a long one.

I struggle with beast. It seems like a lot of you don't but I have many issues. I started blowing the family dog at 16 out of curiosity and from there on I loved it, but it's been a constant huddling downhill ever since.

I got a girlfriend when I was 18, she was my first I had sex with. She told me she was into beast... Which I later learned was a shitty trick. When it was time for her to put up or shut up, I blew my dog in front of her. Of course she was grossed out, but didn't immediately say anything. We broke up about a month or two later because she was seeing someone else. Right after that, she told everyone she knew what happened.

My next girl was way worse. Same deal, she said she was into it or at least curious about it. We would talk about it periodically but was never able to act on anything. This girl, for reasons I won't get into, turned out to be a horrendous, abusive person and went so far as to tell my mother about my sexuality.

I was single for 3 years after this shit.

The next girl I met I vowed never to tell. About 3 months before I met her, I got my dog that I still have. One night during sex she revealed that she always wanted to try to fuck a dog. I was so elated! Finally! I have a dog AND a girl who might fuck him. We tried a couple times with some success, but afterward my girlfriend started treating my dog like shit. She openly hated him and he wasn't a big fan of her either... We ended up breaking up after a few years.

I always had a couple friends who were into it. One comes to mind. She lives about an hour away, but every time I tried to make arrangements to meet she didn't want to or had some excuse. She conveniently will talk to me whenever she wanted to tease me with the idea of beast sex. I cut ties with her recently. I'd had enough. Through all this im almost convinced my most recrnt ex is living with a boyfriend and their dog and she's fucking him, letting her new boyfriend watch and maybe join. It's plaguing my mind at times and making me upset and anxious.

And now... Now I have a girlfriend. She's awesome. So sweet, she loves me and my dog... But there is no way in hell she will EVER try beast. I feel like I'm almost lying about myself if I don't confess my sexuality to her, but I know it will be met with either hostility or avoidance. I joke about letting my dog lick her and she said "No, I'm not sick." Shit. It sucks too, because my boy shows WAY more interest in this girl than my ex who actually tried to fuck him.

So there it is. I'm so stuck and so sad on some level. It feels like everything has been telling me to give up beast. There's more to all the "hints" I've been getting from whatever to stay away from beast but that's too much to type. I'm laying in bed and my arm is going numb.

Many of you are so lucky and you don't even get it.
Hello and welcome to the community, it is nice to meet you . I hope you find everything you are looking for here , make plenty of new friends and have lots of fun. :)
You should just come out and tell....."it turns me on to see a woman with a dog."

At this point I don't know. It's like I'm getting a lot of hints to just give it up. Plus, my new girl is super vanilla and it might freak her out. Any time I did straight up tell someone it backfired... HARD. Super shitty. Sorry I don't want to be a downer lol
@Knottyguy86 I repressed my zoo side for a very long time, can see where you are coming from tell or don't tell, It is hard to know what to do, in the end all you can be is happy, cause you are a long time dead. Stay safe and take care. Cheers LL
Alright everyone, I hope you're sitting down because this is a long one.

I struggle with beast. It seems like a lot of you don't but I have many issues. I started blowing the family dog at 16 out of curiosity and from there on I loved it, but it's been a constant huddling downhill ever since.

I got a girlfriend when I was 18, she was my first I had sex with. She told me she was into beast... Which I later learned was a shitty trick. When it was time for her to put up or shut up, I blew my dog in front of her. Of course she was grossed out, but didn't immediately say anything. We broke up about a month or two later because she was seeing someone else. Right after that, she told everyone she knew what happened.

My next girl was way worse. Same deal, she said she was into it or at least curious about it. We would talk about it periodically but was never able to act on anything. This girl, for reasons I won't get into, turned out to be a horrendous, abusive person and went so far as to tell my mother about my sexuality.

I was single for 3 years after this shit.

The next girl I met I vowed never to tell. About 3 months before I met her, I got my dog that I still have. One night during sex she revealed that she always wanted to try to fuck a dog. I was so elated! Finally! I have a dog AND a girl who might fuck him. We tried a couple times with some success, but afterward my girlfriend started treating my dog like shit. She openly hated him and he wasn't a big fan of her either... We ended up breaking up after a few years.

I always had a couple friends who were into it. One comes to mind. She lives about an hour away, but every time I tried to make arrangements to meet she didn't want to or had some excuse. She conveniently will talk to me whenever she wanted to tease me with the idea of beast sex. I cut ties with her recently. I'd had enough. Through all this im almost convinced my most recrnt ex is living with a boyfriend and their dog and she's fucking him, letting her new boyfriend watch and maybe join. It's plaguing my mind at times and making me upset and anxious.

And now... Now I have a girlfriend. She's awesome. So sweet, she loves me and my dog... But there is no way in hell she will EVER try beast. I feel like I'm almost lying about myself if I don't confess my sexuality to her, but I know it will be met with either hostility or avoidance. I joke about letting my dog lick her and she said "No, I'm not sick." Shit. It sucks too, because my boy shows WAY more interest in this girl than my ex who actually tried to fuck him.

So there it is. I'm so stuck and so sad on some level. It feels like everything has been telling me to give up beast. There's more to all the "hints" I've been getting from whatever to stay away from beast but that's too much to type. I'm laying in bed and my arm is going numb.

Many of you are so lucky and you don't even get it.
Lucky we MAY be, pardner but don't you sense pattern here? Your kink is not really the problem....you keep outting yourself. I know how desirable it is to have a person to share this with....I had it with the love of my life. She died. But there have been others since. Not as intense, yet beloved just the same. But you have to learn about THEM before you open your mouth and let this out. You may think this is acceptible to many people. Being HERE can be deceiving....it inflates appearances unrealistically.

I know a gay man who is damn near impossible to be around. Hes a great guy, but he has no "Gaydar". He doesnt get how people know he's gay, and hes as likely to get punched as get a date when he asks someone out....sounds to me like you have a beast version of the same problem.

If you are looking....start with the Personals HERE. Youre far more likely to find someone that way. I wish you all the luck in the world, but you gotta use your head.
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