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A knot too big, concern over getting a new huge male dog

Greetings all, I have been wondering over a question for a while, and would like some input.
We have sadly lost our old male dog some time ago, a gsd with a mutation that made him 2x the size of a normal gsd. perfectly fit and shaped, 65kg and made normal gsd males look like small females beside him. he was big. everywhere.

We got hooked on the larger than life dogs due to him, here I don't just mean the sex, but in general. it is amazing to have such a big wonderful life companion. being able to play rough with a 65kg was amazing, and I really felt I could connect with him better due to his size.

He was the perfect gentle giant, polite towards all, a protector of my wife and kids. and I miss him every day to just have around.

we are looking into getting a Leonberger next due to the nature and personality of the race (in general) reminds us of him. he will be a companion first, lover ... 6th? so many things before even getting to that point. however, what if I end up with another freak of nature, the GSD was already at the size of the biggest toy we got, actually he was maybe 10-15% bigger than the toy.
I'll post spec here without the site name or toy name that I am really unsure of banned sites or not, but seen it linked often, but you never know:
Total length 8.7" (22 cm)
Usable length 7.3" (18.5 cm)
Head width 1.4" (3.5 cm)
Head circumference 4.3" (11 cm)
Shaft length 4.8" (12.2 cm)
Shaft width 1.6" (4 cm)
Shaft circumference 5" (12.8 cm)
Knot length 1.8" (4.5 cm)
Knot width 2.4" (6.2 cm)

I can take that, and I could take my old gsd, but my mind keeps going onto, what happens if the knot gets too big? ripped insides, or does the knot actually, in some way, limit itself once max area is filled? I am not worried about being stuck in a painful tie for an hour, pain will pass away and a lesson will be learned, it is sole the risk of something going way wrong.

Anyone care to weight in on this? I have of course searched the forum for huge dogs and such, but haven't found just the right info, so hope people will be ok with this post.

Thank you for your time to read this, have a nice day all!
If you took more in the butt than you can handle you should be fine medically. It would be painful. You would just stay tied and endure it until it was over. The rectum where the knot stays can stretch a decent amount beyond the point of comfort safely. Your anus cannot as well so you don't want him to pull out before you're ready. If the dog's knot is properly inside I think it will get fully erect even if you're not ready, and only the anus can hope to restrict his full size.

There's also no reason to go through that. If you get a dog that's very big, you can give him a hand job and measure his size. Then you can buy a toy that's the same size or larger and practice with it until you can handle it. You can buy other toys as intermediate steps.

Running your numbers, your dog is estimated to be 8.67 inches in circumference at the knot. He is a larger dog but not uncommon so it is possible a Leonburger would bigger. Dogs can get over 11 inches. As far as I remember, the last leonburger I met was 9-10 inches at the knot. You can take any size dog with enough practice so don't worry.

Giant German shepherds are called king shepherds. If you want another dog like him they are available. Leonburgers are great dogs too.
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a dog's knot will generally not ever be large enough to do any serious damage once in place, that's how stretchable the rectum is.
the two theoretical concerns would be:
a) if he happens to grow too big in anus (meaning not fully in, not fully out), it's rare but hurts like motherfucker even with an average-sized boy and can cause tearing. you can (and should) push or force it out when you feel like it's happening.
b) making sure it actually stays in until in deflates. meaning, making sure he's calm during the tie (ie: doesn't try to run outside because of random commotion and his guard instinct kicks in) or doesn't trip over something and falls.. taking the knot with him. i had the latter happen once (my boy is a 72kg caucassian shepherd) and let's just say it's not a memory i'm particularly fond of... i'm still not sure what he tripped on.

you don't really need to practice with toys. since fully engorged knot will not ever go in, ideally not out either. no toy ever entered me, i don't really plan on changing that and we don't have any issues (besides that one "tripped on something" episode). he's not small...
if you wanna be safe, you totally can. tho i can imagine getting too loose (with like too large toys) to not even be able to hold a tie might be a theoretical new issue...
Agreed that you should try to tie him as deep as possible.

Toys are so:

1) taking a dog that's larger than you're used to isn't 20 minutes of pain each session until you're used to it.
2) your dog can trip, pull out and not risk tearing the anus.
3) you both can get used to sex safely. He's most likely to have a sudden pullout during this learning phase (like him freaking out at getting tied because he isn't used to it, or falling backwards during thrusting), but as mentioned tripping can happen anytime.

I do large toying. My anus tightens as normal in about an hour afterwards. I have no problems with ties. I hold the knot with my pelvic muscles and not with the anus which holds it inside deeper. Going without toys is doable though. You can practice by holding his knot in your hand next to your anus and pretend there is a tie to see how he will respond and turn butt-to-butt. Testing multiple times can give reasonable confidence he knows what to do.

There's still that tripping risk or risk of the unexpected like a doorbell summoning him. The larger the dog's knot the more surface area there is to distribute his force and the more you can hold him. Also the more time you spend pulling against his knot, the stronger your pelvic muscles will get. With a large knot and lots of practice pulling him by the knot and holding him up when he trips is possible. I can still get sore if my dog trips but he has never pulled out of me and he's very clumsy. His knot is 11 inches so I'm not sure if I could do the same with smaller dogs. I recommend the toying route. Have fun!
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