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A Hard Topic to Discuss with Family/Friends


I already brought this up in a different Topic. I confessed to my Father about what I've done and he basically disowned me, which I find hilarious since he's a pedophile. An incestual pedophile at that.
I may sound like I'm tying to tarnish his name and reputation (as if it matters) but he's a total creep. All he does is talk about little girls. It's beyond disgusting.

Sorry, had to vent. I'm beyond pissed after being judged by a fucking pedo.
Goes to show you, the people that bully us are motivated more based on the fact that we constitute easy prey that can't fight back easily under current political and social conditions, and the concept that morality has anything to do with it is laughable.

When we have gotten more organized and more effective at brokering alliances, these creeps will not be so bold.

For now, as a rule, if someone delights in being cruel and malicious toward others, especially if they use political or moral pretexts, your very vulnerability makes you a target. Do not assume they have moral motives just because they also choose targets that are unpopular for a reason. People show their true nature when they think you will agree with them.
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Uhh....animal sex isn't the same as gay sex. You don't "confess" or "come out of the closet" and expect a parade. Nor should you be surprised about what your dad did. The same could happen to me if I was careless. However, nobody other than my husband and K9 bf know that I have sex with animals. Why? Because I don't want to be judged and would much rather keep my family, friends, and career.
I already brought this up in a different Topic. I confessed to my Father about what I've done and he basically disowned me, which I find hilarious since he's a pedophile. An incestual pedophile at that.
I may sound like I'm tying to tarnish his name and reputation (as if it matters) but he's a total creep. All he does is talk about little girls. It's beyond disgusting.

Sorry, had to vent. I'm beyond pissed after being judged by a fucking pedo.
Non-consensual sex with children? That's A-Okay!
Consensual sex with animals? To the guillotines with ya!

You're father sounds quite irrational and is not worth the time and effort. Hopefully you have your own place to stay and wasn't dependent on his living quarters as a place of residency? Best of luck to you!
my god talk about your dad is a total hypocrite i mean does he want you to be a pedo also or something??? be glad your not associated with him if i were you i would get my last name changed since you now know hes a pedo. i wouldnt want to be associated by that bs also the fact he disowned you.
Non-consensual sex with children? That's A-Okay!
Consensual sex with animals? To the guillotines with ya!

You're father sounds quite irrational and is not worth the time and effort. Hopefully you have your own place to stay and wasn't dependent on his living quarters as a place of residency? Best of luck to you!
I do. I live alone with my dog in an apartment and we live happily (aside from my bouts of depression, but she helps me) :)
my god talk about your dad is a total hypocrite i mean does he want you to be a pedo also or something??? be glad your not associated with him if i were you i would get my last name changed since you now know hes a pedo. i wouldnt want to be associated by that bs also the fact he disowned you.
The worst part is I have the same name as him and look almost identical. I've been looking into changing my name completely and have even smashed my face to bits at times just so I don't look like him. Yet, it always returns.

I fucking hate him. It sounds harsh (being my father and all) but I even asked my mom why she ever conceived me with him. Her response? "I was drunk at the time"

Don't get me wrong, I love my mommy since she accepts me for who I am, but having to see his face in mine every time I visit her must be difficult.

Sometimes I wish I wasn't even born..
I do. I live alone with my dog in an apartment and we live happily (aside from my bouts of depression, but she helps me) :)

The worst part is I have the same name as him and look almost identical. I've been looking into changing my name completely and have even smashed my face to bits at times just so I don't look like him. Yet, it always returns.

I fucking hate him. It sounds harsh (being my father and all) but I even asked my mom why she ever conceived me with him. Her response? "I was drunk at the time"

Don't get me wrong, I love my mommy since she accepts me for who I am, but having to see his face in mine every time I visit her must be difficult.

Sometimes I wish I wasn't even born..
facial reconstruction surgery then Name editing (legally). i know its expensive but its the better way then damaging yourself.
I will never ever ever confess to anyone I know that I am a zoophile; with the obvious exception of a zoo wife/gf. I don't want someone thinking I'm going to "abuse" any animal I meet. Especially because it just became a felony in my state; which is complete bullshit, because the logic of the anti bestiality laws are almost completely based on either a. The holy book says it is wrong, so you can't do it. or b. It's gross and I don't want you to do it.
That's true. I just have this [sort-of] destructive nature.
trust me its WAYYY more of a F U to him if you live and also change everything onto yourself. i do care about others even though it costs alot of mental energy doing so its way better then negative. im basically trying to "transfer" your emotions onto me which explains my frustration sometimes
trust me its WAYYY more of a F U to him if you live and also change everything onto yourself. i do care about others even though it costs alot of mental energy doing so its way better then negative. im basically trying to "transfer" your emotions onto me which explains my frustration sometimes
He always said that "if you were to die, I'd kill myself" and all I can think of is that time (Anime/YuYuHakusho) when Yusuke faced off against Togoro and said "DON'T EVER PUT ME IN THE SAME CATEGORY AS YOU!!"
He always said that "if you were to die, I'd kill myself" and all I can think of is that time (Anime/YuYuHakusho) when Yusuke faced off against Togoro and said "DON'T EVER PUT ME IN THE SAME CATEGORY AS YOU!!"
your lucky i watched that show recently otherwise i wouldnt get the reference lol. but yes you could change your identity altogether name/face that would be your "death" to him. you hate him enough to change ultimately What you are.
I do. I live alone with my dog in an apartment and we live happily (aside from my bouts of depression, but she helps me) :)

The worst part is I have the same name as him and look almost identical. I've been looking into changing my name completely and have even smashed my face to bits at times just so I don't look like him. Yet, it always returns.

I fucking hate him. It sounds harsh (being my father and all) but I even asked my mom why she ever conceived me with him. Her response? "I was drunk at the time"

Don't get me wrong, I love my mommy since she accepts me for who I am, but having to see his face in mine every time I visit her must be difficult.

Sometimes I wish I wasn't even born..
Well that's good, it's good that it's just you and your canine partner. Indeed dogs are a good shoulder to cry on when you're feeling blue. I know I've cried on mine on occasion. She might not know why I'm sad, but she knows I'm sad.

While you share a similar face to your father you can take comfort knowing that you don't share the same mind and mindset at him. It's best not to beat yourself up over something you have no control over.

It's okay to hate a parent. Toxicity is toxicity no matter if their blood or not. Some people exclaim, "love your mother or father no matter what." These same people have never had to deal with a parent so toxic that just thinking about them makes you want to blow your head off. They've never had to deal with parents that try to tear you down and belittle you. Love is earned, not a given.

If your mother accepts you for who you are, I'm almost certain she'll look past the fact that you resemble him. To her, you're her baby and will always be.
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Well that's good, it's good the it's just you and your canine partner. Indeed dogs are a good shoulder to cry on when your feeling blue. I know I've cried on mine on occasion. She might not know why I'm sad, but she knows I'm sad.

While you share a similar face to your father you can take comfort knowing that you don't share the same mind and mindset at him. It's best not to beat yourself up over something you have no control over.

It's okay to hate a parent. Toxicity is toxicity no matter if their blood or not. Some people exclaim, love your "mother or father no matter what." These same people have never had to deal with a parent so toxic that just thinking about them makes you want to blow your head off. They've never had to deal with parents that tries to tear you down and belittle you. Love is earned, not a given.

If your mother accepts you for who you are, I'm almost certain she'll look past the fact that you resemble him. To her, you're her baby and will always be.
Thank you. :)
your lucky i watched that show recently otherwise i wouldnt get the reference lol. but yes you could change your identity altogether name/face that would be your "death" to him. you hate him enough to change ultimately What you are.
I haven't spoken to him in days so maybe he's already dead. DRINKS ALL AROUND!