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A friendly hello from the Shadows


Hello my dears.
I've been a silent companion of the community for ages, already at Bf times. I don't write much on forums etc. I never really dared. I would like to be more active but wanted to get some advice first. I won't talk great about myself either and will always be careful with how I express myself because I'm just too paranoid. So please forgive me if i dont/hesitate to reply to Pm's. But recently I have been attracted to contribute a little bit more. I am male from germany and an "owner" and enjoy every second with my companions.
Today i filmed for the first time and would like to give something back to the community after leeching for the last 20 years.
Now to my question. How can I upload material without any problems?
I would never post my face or easily recognizable characteristics of me / companions / surroundings that much I am aware of. But how do I edit pictures or videos so no background data is uploaded or How do I generally upload something as anonymously as possible?
I appreciate your help.
Hello Musmax and welcome! A good video editing program will allow you to blur backgrounds and other identifying marks. Also make sure and remove any of the EXHIF data from your photos/videos before posting. If filming with a phone or really new digital camera, make sure "GPS Tagging" is turned off.

There are a few free editing programs out there but you may also be able to find some on torrent sites that are better for this sort of thing. I am happy to edit down video for you if you would like, but I also understand that this can be risky as well.

I hope you are able to contribute but just having you saying hello is a great start!
The few times I have done it, I like to either film it somewhere that does not have anything identifiable in the backround, or obscure the background with a sheet or tarp. In one example, the scene was filmed in a garage and a common blue tarp was used as a backdrop. Wooded outdoor locations work great too as they are not easily identifiable.
Some great safety tips here
Just to add to the good advice here. I've done some editing for other zoos before and the best thing you can do is cover up. Cover up the background, your face, tattoos/scars. I highly recommend having a separate and dedicated camera for zoo. Whatever you record always edit it and make it safe and then get rid of the raw footage.

There are various editing programs. Some are free and work well, but I buckled down and paid for a program myself. I would recommend to learn how to do any blurring and editing yourself, but it all depends on what your end goal is. What you decide to record will be the major factor to how much work you have to put it to make it safe to share. Always good to see someone who cares enough about themselves and their animals to do it right. Don't hesitate to ask for help and always wait a day before posting and take a look at what work you've done so far. You will be surprised what you missed. Good idea to throw on some unique watermarks too.

Love what you have shared so far myself!
Hello and welcome, hope you find everything you are looking for, make plenty of new friends and have lots of fun.