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A Dream of Liberty


ZooVille Philanthropist
I was on zoophilesforum.com [at least that's what I think the url was]. I bugged people and stopped posting. I also was on debate.org [waste of time] and sofurry.com [but stopped logging in].

Yep... I'll probably go for months without posting here too. It's very easy to get distracted by aspects of reality like money, creative hobbies, and family.

I may be crazy but it seemed like there was a period there with no online space for zoos and I guess redit banned the topic. That was pretty sad to think about, even if it was only due to my lack of research. So even if I don't say much it's comforting to know where to find you guys/girls. Also I will try to figure out this full anonymous donation thing so I can do my part in keeping the patient alive.
Hello and welcome to the community, its very nice to meet you. I hope that you find everything you are looking for here, make plenty of new friends and have lots of fun. :)