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35 m iowa

Hello and welcome to the community, it is very nice to meet you . i hope you find everything you are looking for here, make plenty of new friends and have loads of fun...;)
Hello and welcome to the community, it is very nice to meet you . i hope you find everything you are looking for here, make plenty of new friends and have loads of fun...;)
What's the point of responding to intro threads started by people who haven't been here in months? The only reason I can see is to increase your post count.
You're just responding to many posts made by people who will not see your posts. You're not adding anything of value to the forum. You're just feeding your ego by increasing your post count and your visibility.
maybe its people like you that keep people from coming back here. who are you to tell me who I can welcome here and whom not to welcome. I will welcome most everyone that post,s a introduction thread . I am so sorry if you dont like me for telling them that they are welcome here . but I dont care if you like me or not ,I will do what it takes to let people know that they are welcome here even if you dont like them..
You just don't get it, do you? You're making dozens of posts to welcome people WHO ARE NOT HERE ANYMORE. Why would anyone in their right mind do that? You may as well go out in the middle of a forest and try to talk to people.