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Yes it is internalized guilt - this is society's attempt at shaming others, by claiming it's wrong. How can it be wrong if you both engaged in a sexual activity you both chose to participate in?
Oh sweetie, calm yourself down. You have nothing to feel guilty about at all. What your dog did for you is something lovely and natural and I'm quite sure she enjoyed doing it for you as much as you enjoyed her giving it to you. Don't worry about her not wanting you to give her oral right away, just take your time and be loving with her. Crawl up in the bed with her and cuddle, gently rub her belly and tell her how much you love her, she will understand. Just go slow, you don't have to give her oral right away, work up to it. After receiving much good advice here on this forum, that's exactly what I did with my Rottweiler Sadie. We were already cuddling together, I loved the way she would crawl on top of my naked body and rub herself all over me. It took some time before I was able to coax her into allowing me to give her oral but oh how she loved it when I finally did.

Do your homework and find her clit because it's in a totally different place than on a woman. I even found a unique pin sized vibrator at a swap meet in Northwest Florida that I use on her that drives her wild. Just remember Rome wasn't built in a day as is the case with building a loving sexual relationship with your pet and I'm sure everything will work out just fine between the two of you.
I just had my first sexual experience with my dog and I'm needing advice for how to come down from it. I am a female and my dog is a female larger sized dog; she performed oral on me of her own will and I enjoyed it; I offered to her in return but she was not showing any interest, so obviously I stopped immediately. Even though I have been wanting it for a long time, I still feel an insane amount of guilt/disgust with myself (is this internalized from my idea of what other perceives is wrong?). Does anyone have any advice for me on how to deal with this? Thank you so much in advance

I think some of that is typical when doing something where there's social pressure to conform. If neither of you are harmed, neither forced, and both enjoy the experience what's the harm? I think the best way to deal with it is to think about it until you're satisfied with whatever result you come to.
If it's something that interests you, I would keep occasionally trying with her as some take a bit of time to get comfortable with it. I've had good luck with light rubbing on the vulva.
Has she been spayed? If so she might not have any understanding, never having gone through puberty.
It's just internalized because we as a society are programmed that way. Don't feel guilty. Dogs like licking, and they can do it for way longer than people. She wasn't hurt or forced and im sure she enjoyed it or she would have stopped. Don't feel bad. You all all good.
Congratulations on taking your first steps. Take your time and enjoy. In time she will accept your advances and enjoy you pleasuring her too