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video games

  1. GreyMusk

    Zoo + Furry Game Collection (NSFW)

    I don't think I've ever seen a comprehensive list for this. Soo here we are I guess. Visual novels that don't include some sort of gameplay loop aren't going to be shown in this list. (With some exceptions) This list is based on games I personally like, with popular and niche games alike. If...
  2. M

    New here - greetings to all

    Hello Forum! I'm Minoh, and I'm from Germany. I registered here because I'm currently working on a video game that fits in well with the main topic of the forum. I'll have a look around here first and see if I can find a suitable place to exhibit the game here soon. We don't necessarily intend...
  3. knotty-trans-pedra

    Dfw trans girl saying hi

    Hello there, I'm new here and am terrible at introductions I'm in my mid 20s, have experimented since I was 13, and currently have 2 dogs. They are males, German Shepard/ malamute mix. One is not very interested in sex but the other loves playing around, but hasn't quite learned how to mount yet...
  4. Sita_The_Zoo

    What kind of video games do y’all like to play?

    What video games do you all like to play? Personally, I like to minecraft.
  5. neo_dcs

    Downloadable games?

    Hello, Are there any downloadable games that we can play locally on our computers that are within the same genre of this website?
  6. Dutch35

    Videogame trivia!

    I've looked around for a bit... And seen some videogame threads come and go or die out. So i wanted to give a trivia a go, as you would expect. User comes up with a question. The first one to get it right can come up with the next question. Just a simple start: In which game do you simulate...
  7. AngryGoose

    Video games ABC order

    I'm going to have an original idea (definitely original and I didn't steal it... Please don't check) it's video games and the first letter of the name of the games must be in alphabetical order... I.e A boy and his blob should be followed by  Banjo-kazooie
  8. Oily

    Bestiality in computer games

    Let's be honest here though really, for most games that have bestiality in them it's male feral on female human and it's heavily focused on the degradation/debasing aspects of it. Male feral on male human is rare (and still degradation oriented) and female feral on male human (and female feral...
  9. C

    How would you feel about a zoo dating game?

    Has anyone ever seen or thought of a zoo dating game? Like, one where you could romantically bond with various animals and have a partner? Like, mostly wholesome of course since, y'know, sex isn't everyone's idea of romance. I think it'd be really cute to have that, maybe even something about...
  10. Caerwyn

    Whats platform do you plays video games on?

    Just want to know if there's any other sweaty gamers like me in here
  11. SalemCromwell95

    What video games are you currently into

    recently broke out my PS2 and it would play shin Megami tensei Nocturne and radiata stories. What games keep your attention these days?
  12. M

    Monster Hunter

    So, I adore the Monster Hunter video game franchise. The world is beautiful and well made, the lore is interesting, and of course the Monsters are awe-inspiring. How many of you love it as well? What’s your favorite Monster? Which Monster would you mate with first? My favorite monster is...
  13. LoveNottLust1

    IMVU gameplay

    Do you have an account for IMVU on computer or phone app