Hola a todos,
Últimamente me ha llamado mucho la atención el tema de los embarazos entre una hembra humana y un macho animal (digamos perros, caballos, cerdos, algo no tan cercano como un simio), y la posibilidad de un embarazo "real" en una mujer humana causada por un animal. Me gustaría...
I'm actually very curious about this but am too afraid to research it too much. Are there scientific reasons for being a zoo? Ive tried to get rid of the liking but it seems hardwired into me, been this way since i was a child. If there is a reason, I'd like to know
For the sake of information, I believe those who are not yet aware of current events in the field of biogenesis. Here is a news that many expected, there is still a possibility!
The purpose...