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  1. mwlovelyzoo

    Do people rp here?

    I just love rping, especially zoo stuff because you can really get as unrealistic as you want if it's hot. So I was just wondering if people rp here, cause if love to start a few!
  2. junkyard_knot

    Curious Transmasc looking for friends, chat

    I’m a non-binary trans man (he/they) who has been curious about K9 as long as I remember. It’s a secret I’ve never truly shared with anyone, save for hints to my partner. I’d love to chat, I have no experience just fantasies and curiosity. I’m open to friends, sharing fantasies, RP, or more.
  3. Hottohotie

    I am in search of an action partner

    Hello, I'm looking for a partner to do text roleplays, I only play sexual relations between a human man and a mare, I can play the human or the mare, you know, as long as you treat it with respect, lets go!
  4. 3

    Role played etiquette

    So ive always wanted to role play online but ive been a bit unsure about what are the norms when role playing online like... Do people expect you to be quick with your replies? Is it normal to dive right in after only just met the person or should yall talk out the guide line and kinks you...
  5. Loup Perdu

    Jeux de rôle

    Je me demande s'il y a des rôlistes zoo ou bien je suis le seul? Sinon je serai bien partant pour des sessions rp en pbp s'il y a des motivés.