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  1. Kibbling

    Kibbling reviews: Clayton from Bad Dragon

    I recently purchased a large Clayton in medium firmness with no accessories during a sale that Bad Dragon had about a week ago, and this thread is a review of my thoughts on it. After opening it, there were a few things I noticed immediately. First, I noticed that this toy has the...
  2. pes

    How many people regularly review porn and report abuse?

    For my own curiosity. I would like to know how many people regularly spend some time reviewing porn in the porn sections looking for bad porn to report and remove.
  3. TheoTheGermanShephard

    Vixenmaker and Maremaker Review

    Hallowww everybody I hope all of you have a great day. :gsd_happysmile: As mentioned in the threadtitle I wanted to make a review about the Vixen- and Maremaker from Flurb! . I personally bought them to make my self a mare or a nice bitch for my German Shepherd. uwu I also will attach some...