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  1. maidfork9

    New Girl with a Question!

    Hello hello! I’m pretty new to all of this and recently just came across this forum :) For the past 5 months I’ve been watching zoo porn with women being fucked by dogs. I can’t really remember how I got to this point, but all I know is that it has been a doozy learning so much and taking in the...
  2. thegreatbigfail

    Receiving Previously Mated Male K9

    Full disclosure: this question isn't for me, but for a friend of mine. As a result, I may not be describing the situation perfectly. I've never met the dog in-question and am trusting what I've been told. I'm also not a zoophile myself and am mostly on this forum for curiosity rather than sexual...
  3. B

    Favorite deaths in the Final Destination series.

    If you've seen them, what are your favorite deaths from the Final Destination movies?, My top 6 would be 6.The two girls cooked in tanning beds like they were George foreman grills., 5. The girl getting cut in half by a plane wing, 4.Engine fan chopping a guy's brain, 3.Guy's guts getting sucked...
  4. Indigo Dreams

    Questions about equines (but mostly stallions)

    1. Do mares and stallions tend to pair bond much or show loyalty, or is it basically a free for all once the heat starts? I suppose it depends on the environment, and I know animals often act differently in captivity versus the wild, or if they're allowed to get to know each other, or if there's...
  5. Fido’s Fertile Boy

    I think I might be zoo exclusive?

    I’ve been in denial of being a zoo for years and I just came to terms with me being attracted to animals both romantically and sexually(specifically m k9). Since this revelation, I’ve shown no interest in human men. But years ago I suffered through abuse from a human male partner of mine, so...
  6. B

    What was your first horror/scary/creepy experience and how old were you when it happened?

    Pretty straightforward question, what was your first horror type experience and how old were you when you had the experience?, For me I was I think around....7 or 8 years old, I was playing Half-Life 2 for the first time, and well,....I got to Ravenholm..... anyone who even has slightly heard of...