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  1. Ginger_Ale

    Any asexuals on here? Why?

    I recently found out that I'm on the asexual spectrum. For me, I've only ever masterbated, used toys, and had blowjobs & handjobs, but I just don't really get much pleasure out of it. Like the idea of sex seems much better and also I find the emotional aspect of it much better. And so, I'm...
  2. Oshoa


    What's your gender and sexual orientation ?
  3. ConroyJack

    Zoophilia as same-species fantasy

    Does anyone here engage in zoophilia with an active fantasy, or wish, that they were the same species as the object of their affection? I hope this question doesn't sound ignorant. I'm fascinated with how people perceive and define their own sexuality and sexual identities. I've read a few...
  4. Anotherkin

    Zooromantic identity

    I am a zooromantic. My connection to animals is not sexual as i am non/anti contact. How I feel towards animals is one of the purest things i have ever felt. And as an otherkin (african painted dog to be exact) it feels natural to like other dogs. Anyone else experience zooromanticism, whether...