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  1. illinoiscityboy

    Any women having sex with dog instead of your husband or boyfriend this Valentine's Day?

    If so, why and do they know?
  2. k9pm

    Canines are the Solution for Couples

    I got to thinking that a dog is perfect for a hetero couple. As guys get older, their sex drive takes a dip while the opposite happens for women. Adding in a dog would allow the wife to fulfill her needs while not taking away anything from the husband. If anything, it takes the prep work out...
  3. hounddog01

    Wives watching there husband\boyfriend

    Ok females tell us about how you found out about your husband\boyfriend trying stuff with a dog? Did you walk in on him and freak out, encourage him to keep going, sit and watch, record\take pics, tell us how it all played out? Also are you 2 still active in it?