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  1. SpicyLime

    So lads and lady's what got you interested, reply if you want me to add something to the list

    So lads and lady's what got you interested, reply if you want me to add something to the list, personally, I'll post it on the first time thread.
  2. I

    Hopping fences for horses

    This may be controversial but what are your opinions on hopping fences and having sex/ sexual interactions with horses/ other farm animals? I know it could be dangerous as 1 it’s trespassing and 2 you don’t know how the animals will react. I doubt I’d ever do it but the thought crosses my mind...
  3. Q

    Sex with stray dogs?

    Hi, I sometimes see people talking about "Strays" on here and having sex with them. Is that something people actually do? If so, how? Do they just do it outside, or take it home?
  4. W

    I wanted to have an experience, but I can't

    I have desires and desires, but my pet's vagina is very small. What to do?
  5. irish1982

    My Boy

    Meet my boy Don, this picture is him at 2 weeks old, he’ll be ready to come home to me at the end of November!
  6. Pawluv

    Anyone adopt their first dog after starting self acceptance and before any zoo experiences?

    I have been into zoo porn for many years. Now I’m considering getting a small breed dog (I live in an apartment . I’ve never had a dog before but having a cat and him being a huge emotional support for me makes me want a dog even more. I’ve never had a zoo experience except for one time offering...
  7. pes

    First time hub

    First time stories are one of the most asked for thing here. Here you can read dozens of answers to these questions: These threads regularly get closed or deleted because people post too detailed stories from their youth. So when you decide to add your post, keep that in mind and read the rules...
  8. M

    How is a M/F first time?

    I’ve always had an intrigue for M/F zoo content, especially when I discovered it after thinking zoophilia was exclusively F/M. I guess a part of me got too excited over the idea to this day. To think that I could achieve sex with a relatively accessible female animal. That they could fully...