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  1. happybitch44

    About me

    I am a female, 27, single and from California. I am Black and willing to share pics if we match a bit. Hello, I am a Female from Sacramento California, I am into all animals really. Male and female, I have a little experience, I have kissed a few dogs open mouth with tongue, I have rubbed a...
  2. E


    Hey there, everyone! I'm Ebony—though I've been around the forum since February, it dawned on me that I've never officially introduced myself. So, here it goes! I'm new to this space but definitely not new to the lifestyle. Academically, I'm a scientist by profession, and my work (and sense of...
  3. Trysexual9512

    Ebony Women

    I've got a few vids of ebony / black women being fucked by their dog, but there doesn't seem to be many.... Wonder why that is? Sure wish there was more!
  4. J

    What’s a great dog for a young female new to zoo?

    I’ve been thinking about getting a yorki cause they’re amazing ofc ✨ & plus I had a great experience with my aunts yorki. But I want a dog than can do more than lick. I need to be knotted!! Like dick is my go to. Want a big dog but not too big where I can’t control him, I’m only 5’1 ? Any dog...
  5. J


    Hi guys ?? ? I’m a 19 yo ebony & trying to learn more about zoo. Always been intrigued in my teen years but never tried anything until I was licked by a yorki at 17 ??? My first experience was amazing! Hope to share more later. Bye for now ?