border collie

  1. A

    golden retriever or border collie

    Hello everyone, I am a newbie and I want to know which one is more suitable, Border Collie or Golden Retriever (I am a male)
  2. Cali

    Female border collie size

    I've been reading in some posts' comments about whether a fully grown female border collie would be a good partner sexually speaking for a human male. Some people state that them being medium sized dogs means they wouldn't be a right fit, or that it's a matter of luck. But I wanted to ask...
  3. E

    any advice for first time M dog x female

    hi everyone i been fantasizing about having sex with my dog but im kind of scared, he is a male border collie he is not very sexual but i have given him a blowjob and handjob. I try once to put myself in position for him to fuck me but he didnt. The more I read and see videos on this place the...
  4. E

    any advice for sex with dogs (female dog)?

    I'm still kinda new at this... I mean, maybe not that new because I just had sex with my dog some days ago for the first time (Border Collie, 3 years old) but maybe I didn't think enough about the problems (post nut clarity intensifies) and I'm afraid of doing something that can hurt her. She...