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  1. Pillar

    Bestiality in China (and the East)

    Does anyone have more information on how things are for beast sex specifically in China? How about the East in general? (Think Cambodia, Mongolia, etc.) I can't seem to find much other than that the Chinese government is controlling everything but I would like articles and sources clarifying...
  2. Bulldozer72

    Choose the way of life

    Many years back I came over a video of a stallion fucking a Brazilian girl and since I was completely inexperienced with zoo porn and knew there is a massive taboo about it I immediately dismissed the video. Days went, maybe weeks and every time I was watching my “normal” porn that horse video...
  3. J

    How to find people who will let their dog f*ck you?

    Unfortunately, I don't have a dog/any other animal that can fuck me or I can fuck. I also don't know anybody that would let their dog fuck me and don't know of anywhere to find someone who would. I live in a state where bestiality is illegal, so I don't want to go around yelling it out for all...
  4. D

    Would you like to consummate and reproduce with your animal mates?

    Assuming we live in an alternate universe where anyone can get pregnant by any creatures. Because of this, zoo marriages and reproduction are the normal thing everywhere you go. There will be no altar "you may kiss the bride" scenario if you choose to have an animal mate. It is the stick the...
  5. VulgarframeMN

    Hints from significant other?

    Hey all, longtime lurker, first post. A bit of a story-time and simultaneous inquiry. So, my ex and I once were playing World of Warcraft together when the subject of the "hottest race" came up. To my surprise, my then girlfriend told me she found the Worgen race (essentially werewolves) to...
  6. B

    What toy to use without dog at home?

    Hey Guys! I don't have a dog atm and wondered if you have any recommendation on toys to use for myself? Are there any online stores to buy them? thx
  7. RobittusinGBR

    Bump if you had sex with an animal today

    With ZooVille now rebuilt and relaunched, some of the favourite threads need reinstating. This thread from BF and previously on ZV is a fav of mine. Please bump to share that your dog recently loved you. All other animal lovers, such as with horses, are equally welcome, so don't be put off by...