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  1. N

    Intact male living with spayed female.

    I have a bit of a complicated question and I'm looking for some advice. I have a 4 month old, spayed female puppy right now and I do not plan to engage in a sexual relationship with her. I'm much more into the idea of being fucked by a medium to large male. Before I attempt to find a male...
  2. horseofcourse99

    Handling Sexually Mature Animals

    I'm mostly interested in hearing about stallions for this question, however I am also curious about all the other animals as well, male or female. So I open this question to everyone about all animals and their experiences with them. Please feel free to be as detailed and long winded as you need...
  3. D

    How does your dog treat you?

    Saw a thread on reddit about OP's dog walking in on him bottoming, and ever since the dog had been avoiding him and not listening, and it made me think of yall. What's your dog's behavior to you? Are they closer and more cuddly, or are they more independent than dogs that you haven't had...