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  1. H

    Zoo/Feral Artist ( >_< )

    Hello! Artist here, looking for some traction. I'm not interested in payment at the moment. I'd simply love some anatomy practice!! Please msg or reply in comments if you're interested in getting some art of your OCs or irl partner :> Doesn't have to be NSFW.
  2. incubusyiff

    i seriously wanna know everything there is about zoophile graffiti it seems underrated

    zoo.wtf has stickers and there are people making wristbands with our flags on them, man i wish i kept mine, but the one that i wanted most of all was zoophile spray paint molds, you know where you put it on a surface and spray over it to leave a symbol or a mark, and honestly till this day I've...
  3. Y

    I’m looking to start drawing Human on Animal (Bestiality/Zoophilia whatever you call it) and need prompts to practice on. :)

    I’m only looking for simple prompts and situations that I could draw as I have no idea where to start. If you have any, let me know! (Also as a fair warning I only want these prompts to practice on as a hobby, no commercial purposes.) Edit: preferably male human on female animal. It doesn’t...
  4. dejenerek

    uno de mis artista zoo favorito (furronika)

  5. lisalaura

    «Zoophilie» - Award-Winning Documentary

    So the documentary «Zoophilie» from Ursa Kastelic won the Alexis Victor Thalberg - Price at the Zurich University of the Arts in 2020. The 18min long documentary is available here with subtitles. https://youtu.be/wMxcay2go1M https://www.zhdk.ch/person/ursa-kastelic-222440...
  6. T

    Vintage Erotic Zoo Illustrations and Art

    This pretty niche (and I'm not sure whether it belong in the Porn section or not). Just wondering if anyone else here is interested in pre-photographic depictions of bestiality and zoophilia. Anything from high art to porn. Illustrations, paintings, sculpture. The Victorian period being a...
  7. Nelev23

    Opened commissions - I'll draw anything!

    Hello friends! :D My name is Nelev and I am a furry illustrator from the US. I have recently opened my NSFW commissions (and SFW too, of course!). Here are some examples of my work, I hope you like them! You can ask me for a completely personalized commission, I work using Paypal. Don't hesitate...
  8. I

    Am I a zoophile through my art and style?

    Hello everyone! So actually, as I draw a lot of NSFW stuffs here, I just had a thought in my mind after a drawing has been done recently. The drawing in question is a picture of 2 elephants showing their penines to each other, one sitting and the other standing; it was an art request. After I...