zoo.wtf has stickers and there are people making wristbands with our flags on them, man i wish i kept mine, but the one that i wanted most of all was zoophile spray paint molds, you know where you put it on a surface and spray over it to leave a symbol or a mark, and honestly till this day I've...
If a zoo march was organized in your city, and one of your zoo friends was going to it with his partner, would you go as well?
All right. Cross board posting this one.
You may vote now
NOTE! PLEASE READ AT LEAST THIS RED TEXT BEFORE VOTING: By "debate the opposition", I do not mean get into catfights with immature screechers over Twitter. That obviously yields no fruits (even if it is kind of funny sometimes ;)) - I am talking about addressing complaints from real...
If you've ever been open about your zoosexuality online, you've probably encountered a few things:
Getting banned from any venue in which you merely even float the idea that maybe zoosexuals have a valid viewpoint.
A repeated insistence that you are "dumb" or "stupid" just for being...