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Zooier Than Thou

Zooier Than Thou

Keep on doing what you're doing ZTT!
You'll always have my support.
And Toggle, I hope to see you at MFF this year! Missed seeibg you last December!
Sadly, I'm taking this year off of MFF. But I'll be at AC! Come find me!
Love this Podcast
Thanks <3 We appreciate it!
Sounds to me like two AI bots talking to each other about the subject. ... Prove me wrong
Beep borp. I am a hooman.
Originally realized I was, too. A zoophile because of this podcast. Thank you for helping me
Aw gosh! Thanks for listening <3
I'm loving all of this.
Hooray! <3 <3
It's pretty much my only link to this community, this part of myself. I could gush about it forever, but I love how informative, humanizing (somewhat ironically, that is the best word I could find), amusing, thought-provoking, and positive it is. Not all episodes are for everyone (some are kinda depressing), but these are important topics regardless. The thing I enjoy the most is the compassion and care the team shows towards people of various species, how they're always willing to flip the script of how we treat other animals in order to make a point. Obviously, I also love that a fellow autistic zoo, Toggle, is a prominent figure in our movement. It makes me feel like there are people out there like me who are fighting to establish a community with unified values surrounding the treatment of animals.
Aw gosh, this is a really nice review to hear <3 I'm glad our messaging about animal welfare and animal rights are getting through <3
I'm relatively new too the site, just started listening. so far i've really like listening to the documentary like episodes.
Hooray! We're doing another one this month! They're a LOT of work!
Love this is very fun to have around.
Been listening for a long while, though not quite long enough. I only found it after Fausty's unfortunate passing but I'm glad that the podcast has continued strong even in his absence. A wonderful, informative and entertaining zooey treat each month.
You're very kind! Thank you!
Just listened for the first time. I loved it. You guys are really funny!
Yay! Thanks!
i like having the episodes on in the background when im playing a game or something, but i feel the voices make it seem like they are reading on a script, or at least the first part. Not much a fan rat dudes voice in the beginning but i dont mind it later into the episode when they are having convos or interviews
It's true that some sections are scripted :3
I absolutely love this podcast and is the highlight of each month, but boy does the month drag on waiting for the next new episode to release. I feel like I've been well entertained and educated on so many subject involving and surrounding the zoo community. The Halloween episode obituaries though.... have me bawling like a baby every damn time.
<3 <3 <3 Thanks so much for listening! The Howloween episodes are always really special for us each year.
Your podcast has changed my life for the better. I hope some day to meet you Toggle and shake your paw. If I never do, you have changed the world for the better.

Humble thanks.
Gosh, those are high compliments. Thanks for listening <3
Listening to them share their stories and experiences helped me accept who I am and I could never thank them enough for what they do. I know their format and humor isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but I love it. I can’t get enough of their show
Thanks for listening <3 We love to hear stuff like this, and we're thankful the zoo community puts up with our stupid animal puns.
I love you guys, toggle, lovecat and the whole bunch. I miss yall.
We're still around! Feel free to say hi!
awesome, listen as much as i can.
we appreciate it!
The amount of art in each episode is delightfull, what a bunch of talented people and fairies. Eloquent, courageous, talented, profound, i'm very glad that this is about zoo but i feel that you folks would totaly rock a podcast on anything.
It really means something to me that we are existing in the same timeline.
That is incredibly flattering. Thank you <3
Keep up the great work! We love this podcast and look forward to exciting new material.
Thank you for listening!
5 starts if there was 6 starts would rate it 6 starts listening to the new Episodes Right now.
You're very kind! Thanks for listening!