"Zeta Chronicles" is a daring and creative comic that attempts to tackle the complex and often taboo subject of zoophilia. By anthropomorphizing humans into animals, the comic seeks to explore the nuances of this controversial topic in an engaging and thought-provoking manner. However, the portrayal of intelligent, talking, and working animals alongside regular, non-anthropomorphized pets raises some confusing questions about the distinction between these two groups.
The comic's attempt to normalize zoophilia is both informative and intriguing, offering readers a unique perspective on the mindset and morals behind this behavior. Nevertheless, the
romanticism of human-animal relationships glosses over the significant potential for abuse and exploitation, much like the dynamics in child relationships. Animals, much like children, are
vulnerable and need protection, and the comic does not adequately address this crucial aspect.
Overall, "Zeta Chronicles" serves as an excellent introduction to the mindset of zoophilia and the ethical considerations surrounding it. While it successfully opens a dialogue on a difficult subject, it falls short in addressing the inherent risks and ethical dilemmas involved in human-animal relationships. Despite
these shortcomings, the comic remains a noteworthy and bold effort to shed light on a challenging topic.