I am sorry that I haven't written a blog in so long x.x. I have been working on something big for the community and I felt that my time was better spent on that project. It is still better spent there but I am still going to try and post here on and off until that project is stable. It shouldn't be much longer until it hits that state. That's all I will say about that though!
So I have been thinking and it's been really frustrating to me lately as to how a lot of people have double standards against us Zoos. I have a lot of respect for our community and it seems at every turn people criticize us and shut us down. They destroy the culture and art that our ancestors have created before us. Events are shut down. Laws are passed and we are essentially bushed into corners.
We have to resort to encryption, VPNs, firewalls, user agent switchers, scramblers, secrete operating systems. It's insanity and the more time passes the more we seem to have to do. When will it end? When will we decide enough is enough. It's to the point that the LGBT has a totally unfounded and baseless article on their wiki about us. Firstly this article needs to be changed.
Let me list a few things that are absurd. Firstly they state strongly that they are informing everyone in their community that they want to let them know that the article is to make sure that their people are safe from us online. That the article is for education only. They then go on to make up terms that I have never heard in my entire life as a Zoo. They say that we call each other “Goaties” if we are attracted to goats as well as Zoo-pal and Zoopals. They sat those with dog boyfriends that have a male counterpart are calling their dogs “doggey” and so forth.
Not only is this wiki article demoralizing and incorrect it seems to be poking fun at us as a community. It's sad in a way that they do not want to see us as part of their organization but to have a strongly worded article that is extremely non based and bias seems really off-kilter. They then go on to say that Zoophilia is a mental disorder and that animals can not consent.
I don't know about you all but it has been proven that what we are and how we feel is not a mental disorder. However, I do feel that being pushed into a corner and having to conceal everything the way we do could cause mental disorders. Not only is it stressful living our lives in the closet so to speak it is also paranoia prone. As we are constantly looking over our shoulders making sure that we are not giving any red flags or are giving any information away to those that we don't wish information to go to.
I also get tired of the pedo comparison. We are nothing like those individuals. Not only do we not have an attraction to children we don't have any of the beliefs that go with that line of thinking. It's really disgusting that people would even compare us with that sect of people.
In another article I was reading I read the most insane bit of information. The writer said that it wasn't okay to be zoophile because animals couldn't consent but killing animals for food wasn't murder because animals didn't have feelings. That my friends are mental double speak at work. If they didn't believe that animals didn't have feelings then the animals wouldn't need to consent and thus Zoophilia would be okay. But if the animals did need to consent then it would be considered murder. So people come up with these opposing ideas to justify what they want to believe is right to them.
We all know that the animals we love have to consent before we decide to proceed with anything of a sexual nature. In fact, we all put the animal's pleasure above our own. We as a Zoo community write guides to make sure that other zoos know how to make their loved ones happy as well as take care to share information to prevent any harm coming to our loved ones. We have gotten to the point of even setting up an anti-abuse porn reporting system here on the forum where we all agree to make sure that any abusive content is removed and the individuals involved are removed from the community.
What I don't get is that there is such a bias form of attack on our community. For example, you will notice that commercial porn of zoophilia is barely if at all attacked. It's us individuals who are attacked when it can be argued that some of the commercial content is not love at all and is only there for monetary gain. Some of these videos are even borderline abuse. However, it's the individual zoos that get attacked and not these companies.
I guess what I am trying to say is that I am shocked that people can hold double values and seem determined to wipe us from existence. That groups have had to deal with the same issues as we are going through right now deny any relation with us as well as shun our existence and these so-called anti-zoos will do anything to erase us and our culture. When is enough, enough? When will we stand up and say this is bullshit? We love our loved ones it's not a perverse stance against nature, it is not a mental disorder this is us. We are Zoos and it is just starting to get really ridiculous.
The laws are closing in fast, everywhere. Our bubble is starting to pop. We need to take a stance somewhere and soon before it is too late. We need to do something and make people aware that this isn't about sex we are good people and that we don't want our history and culture erased. I fear friends if we don't do more than we are doing currently that it will continue to get harder and harder for us to become accepted into the societal norms.
I also believe that we need to set up a support group. I believe we need to do that as fast as possible because when I got into Zoo years ago the restrictions and risks were a lot less. Yeah, there were risks but not to this extent. We use to have open cams and skype calls. This is an age that has passed. There is no way in hell any one of us would do this now. It is for this reason that we need support. I can only imagine how it must feel emerging into the community as a new adult zoo in this day and age.
The clock is ticking friends and we are running out of time. The more I read articles online the more severe it seems to be. Our stigma needs to be removed and laws repealed. We won't get these things done by sitting idly and not doing anything. The fact is is that we are people with emotions and feelings and the way people are treating us is unholy. It gets really frustrating seeing all of the negativity within the anti-zooers as well as other communities shutting us down.
I end with this. In some small way, I believe that every day we each should try and do one thing to push the zoo community forwards. Either writing articles online or helping in the community. We need to be heard. We have voices. We can find safe ways of making a stand. Anyway, that has been building for days and I needed to get it off of my chest. I hope you all are doing well and I will catch you all in the next blog.
Well this a completely late and will probably seem like a double posting because I will probably write another one of these later today. It is very early in the morning or very late at night. I guess it really depends on how you look at things.
I am up so late because I had to help a buddy with some computery techy stuff. It went over about as well as a flat tire so I will have to try and make a go at it again tomorrow. I have to say though he is going to do most of the work because while I like to think of myself as a wiz when it comes to technology there are certain aspects that require a SUPER POWER USER. I myself am a power user just not no-scope 360 level OG Esports gamer lever. Eh, you get the point.
Anyway, I am going to keep this blog short as it is really late and I need sleep. My girl keeps eyeing me like hey it's time to cuddle. So probably should do that. Yeah.
Not much happened today. Got some pizza! It wasn't delivery and it wasn't Digiorno it was that cheap cardboard-tasting pizza. But hey it's pizza. So there was that.
I know this blog for today seems empty and poorly written but not much happened. It's late and I'm tired lol. So I will sign off on today's blog with this. Stay safe, be happy, and be thankful for what you have!
Well, here I sit typing and wondering if I am a bad example. I decided that I could cater more trust in individuals on this site if I posted a few pictures. By nature, these pictures weren't sexual however they were personal. I love my girl and feel like I have violated her privacy in a way. I don't really know how to feel. Obviously, this website is geared towards sexual images and videos. That's the main function. We should all ask ourselves. Should it be?
We have come to a time of great change for many people's rights and our rights could be on the precipice of change as well. I hope if this site gets pointed out they will point out all the good and not what they considered malicious. Anyway, I don't know how I feel about posting images of someone I love dearly. She got belly rubs out of it but was that really enough. Maybe I'm just overthinking things.
It just seems like you have to do too much to be seen as a legitimate zoo and if you do too little it's sketch because that person could be someone who is trying to bait you. Honestly, I could care less if we get rights like the Gay Pride or any of that. If this could just be legalized so that we don't have to look over our shoulder. If a zoo was like "yeah I like dogs" then we could trust them. That would be the ideal situation.
Sadly verification seems to cost a slice of self-pride and a sliver of your soul. Anyway, I love you all here as a community and hope that you all have a better day than I am with moral dilemmas. It all just really makes you think. Anyway, I have to make it up to my girl by taking her on a walk and giving her some great treats!
Here I am again like I am every day writing this blog! I think it's been fun so far it's keeping me motivated. However, I need to start to catch up on the space story or move it out of this blog. I also decided to update the titles. Also, something that's going to be hard to reflect on if I have to do it constantly. Anyway, the idea is that I took the title from something that means almost nothing and I put some sort of keyword relating to the current blog in it. It just makes it easier to start at the beginning if you are new etc.
Anyway, here I am typing this. I honestly don't know if I woke up late today. I don't think I did, to be honest. It sounds goofy because you all are like "Quantum how do you not know if you woke up late" looking at me all incredulous <_<. Well to be honest for whatever reason (maybe I just want to feel like I have 100's of Zoos around me) I woke up and jumped right on. I started reading responses to my posts and quotes to my responses to their posts.
A lot of people wonder why I can be and am a bit overly dramatic in some of my forum titles. There are a few reasons. Firstly, I am not one that wants to post 100 different forums that have an emptiness to them. For example, this is something I would consider an empty forum (keep in mind I don't have anything against these) "My Dog Gave Me A Pimple" or "How Many People Have Tickled a Cat" or even "How Deep Does A Penis Go". These to me are example forum posts that aren't that exciting though unusual usually the poster follows up with two to three lines of text. This usually garners 3-5 replies and maybe 155 - 200 views. If I am posting something I want people to see it. I believe it's important and having to trudge through the swath of titles to make something stand out is something that I utilize when I believe that it is really important.
With regards to a few people believing that my titles are clickbait. Yeah, I will give you that that they have that vibe to them. However, with clickbait, the user doesn't get what they are promised. I promise that not cleaning your dog bowl could be hurting your animal lover and even killing them BOOM evidence. I promise that if you don't do sex toy research you could get really sick and your animal lover could as well BOOM research. I just care about the entire community and everyone in it for these things that NOONE EVER here has thought to talk about.
In conclusion, it's not something that I just sit down and strum out like some may think It usually takes me three days to prepare something for submittal. One day of brainstorming one day of figuring the best way of approaching the issue as well as a title. The third day of gathering articles and smashing the information together. Anyway, I hope this clarifies this for all who were curious about my titles and why they seem commercial or marketed. It is intentional I do want everyone to read these articles because I believe that some people might get hurt if they don't.
Anyway, that's it for today's blog. Didn't realize that it was going to be about this but I just sort of let the thoughts flow through my fingers and then a blog appears lol. It's like magic XD. Ill Talk to you all tomorrow. Let me know what you guys think I should do about the space adventure. Feel free to message me. Maybe move it to a different area like stories or just keep updating it here. Let me know either way I hope you all have a nice day.
space space spaceDoes titling this with a stardate scare people off I wonder? Eh, well this is a place for me to type in any way. So how's everyone doing? I hope the answer was at least okay! For whatever reason, I m feeling fantastic today. Yeah, I woke up late but I am sandwiched between two of my favorite dogs! The old doggo that my friend and I technically both own and my girl.
It's extremely funny because on the old BF website I believe that she was something of a star. My old girl. She is really sweet and it's nice that she is essentially in retirement now. Oddly enough it was her modeling poses that made people mad with power for her lol. I still see her pop up on a post or forum on this site as well. It's just nice living the parts of the good memories. In a way I want people to be like "I know who you are talking about yeah I love that dog!" In another way, it's like I want to keep her safe and let her fade into the background of mystery at this point.
Now, my girl, she is just looking out the window and hanging out. I love that spud more than you all could possibly know. I wonder sometimes if I am one of the only ones that have such deep dog feelings. A lot of zoos I can tell love their dogs. For me it's almost a transcending experience like a piece of my soul is replaced by a piece of theirs or like parts of our soul are merged? I don't know. I am a man of science, reality, and logic so that sounds ridiculous even to me. However, it's like there is something there. Something more than chemicals that bout of our brain is producing when we make love, love each other, or kiss and snuggle. It just makes you think.
Anyway, I better sludge my way into reality and start doing stuff and things. I don't even know what I am going to be doing for dinner tonight. This blog, sealed with a kiss from my girl. The most beautiful doggo. The perfect ending! See you all tomorrow.
Space story when I'm not feeling like booty x.xWell, I woke up a bit late today. I don't have much energy so this is going to probably be a short blog. I think I have some sort of cold or something. I woke up a bit late at noon and watched some "Scooby-Doo, Where Are You!" My girl and I watched the show for two hours and cuddled. After that, I felt really tired and a little ill so I ended up falling back asleep. I woke up again at 5:00 pm ugh what a waste of a day.
From 5:00 pm I went to the store to grab some ingredients for tacos. Everyone loves tacos! After dinner, I sat down to write this blog. So here we are currently I am just sitting here staring at the screen trying to figure out what to tell you guys. Well actually I have never been that good at typing lol so I am mainly staring at the keyboard and "pecking the keys" with my fingers lol. You would think from all the typing I do on this site I would actually use all of my fingers.
I guess that will bring me to the next paragraph rofl. Do you guys remember those typing programs. They were like video games. They had asteroids coming at you while you were typing to get rid of them so you didn't lose points. The occasional asteroid would slip by if you didn't type fast enough. That was crazy! Well, clearly it didn't help my skills I just got faster at using like two-three of my fingers lol.
It's strange how my mind always goes back to those moments. Then I think about the other games I had a lot of fun with as a kid. Freddi Fish and Pajama Sam had to have been my two favorite games as a child. They are games I would like to revisit especially Pajama Sam because I hadn't beaten the game and would like to see the ending. However, I am considerably older now and would probably get some strange looks from my friends if I did try and replay the games. I had also played the very beginning of Spy Fox and never got the chance to finish that one either. Just one of the many games as a kid I never finished.
Tonight I have to be online in a gaming event with a group of people. I am a bit excited about this and I am hoping it helps me feel a bit better and at the very least gets rid of this brain fog. I just feel like a haze of mist is covering and clouding my thoughts. Maybe it's a caffeine defficet and maybe I am coming down with something. I guess only time will tell.
I'm afraid we've come to the end of our time. However, there will be more posts as always on the QuantumHusky Zeta Hour. I hope you all enjoy these. I know that it's something that I just have to keep doing as they do help me get what is on my mind out there. Leave a like if you enjoy this maybe rate the blog if you want. I am not here for the likes though just here to share a crosssection of my life! See you all later!
space adventure after the house is cleaned lol.
Well, I will be honest as of yet I haven't done much today except for hanging out with my girl. She has been happy that that's what we are doing. Soon though I am going to have to get motivated because bumming around the bed, while enjoyable because I have someone I deeply care about next to me isn't the best thing to be doing.
I got bills paid so that's a positive. Yay finances and being an adult! At least that's taken care of that is all that matters. So today my plan is to try and fix a personal website that I messed up. It was a bit of an oof mistake and it's my own so that's not that big of an issue. The website is totally non-zoo-related and not even on the open net so it's more of a practice site to hone my mad skills. The same mad skills that broke the site but we don't talk about that.
So lunch? Dinner? Yeah, I am not entirely sure about what the plans are however what I do know is that leftovers a starting to pile up so I can only imagine that it's going to be lasagna, meatloaf, and roast beef night lol. First off I need to help my buddy clean the house as it has fur everywhere! It's like a FURSPLOSION we could make another dog with all the fur! It's all good though the pups are loved and it's worth a little fur on a leftover night!
So good news for myself I may be able to meet another like-minded individual and at the very least have a two-way dialogue with them. I am so excited. I usually close myself off to really anyone because of the risks involved but this guy seems legit and really caring. A no-BS stand-up type of person. I can't believe I may finally be making a new zoo friend! I have had and still have many zoo friends but to make a new legit zoo friend is like finding the nugget of gold in the ocean of nuggltless bad luck. I am hoping everything goes well and if all does this could be great for me!
Well, I think that's about it for this blog today. Honestly, I am not sure how I turned "Wow I've been sitting in bed all day and cuddling with my sweet princess mainly because I went to bed late and woke up late as a result" into "hey this is a blog there is stuff let me sprinkle a little dog fur and toss in some sugar and spice Huzzah!" but by some stroke of luck there it is!
LOG FROM THE CAPTAIN BEGINS WITH: Fantastic progress and even better news! We were able to breach the food stores and rescue a few survivors that were locked in. It would have been impossible for them to survive if it had been any longer due to the lack of oxygen and toxic carbon dioxide building in the room. With this success, we can now divert the extra dog power to building the mining vessel. END CAPTAINS LOG
~~**BzzttZZBT** A signal from earth can be heard in the distance..
Okay, I have to admit I am horny right now. My girl is next to me as I am writing this. She keeps flagging me and pressing her cookie against me :3. So with that in mind, today has gone well. I was sitting here drinking some RedBull, hitting up a little of that vape. I can tell that today is going to be exceptional!
I had an off day yesterday trying to readjust to my buddy no longer being around to goof with and create fantastic constructs. More so, coding, debugging and setting up different things. I don't know if he realizes it, but he means a lot to me as a friend. Though he can be a little extreme sometimes, I think he is someone to look up to for the most part!
I just got done going through my old subscriptions and canceled some. That way, I have some extra cash in my pocket. I was surprised by how many subscriptions I had. However, most of them were still in the trial period, so it wasn't any money lost.
So for tonight, my buddy is going to make a meatloaf. It has to be one of my favorite meals that creep me out. Its meat is mashed together with eggs. That's the part that freaks me out. I think it's because I saw a meme about how the eggs, chicken babies, were smashed with a mutilated cow. I know this isn't super accurate, but it freaked me out because meat freaks me out in general. Anyway, not trying to make it weird for you, but there it is. I both love and hate meatloaf. It's my favorite and a crime against nature.
My girl hasn't left my side even for a minute. She is just sitting here watching me. It's excellent! I love her so much and couldn't be happier. Well, I think that's all for today. I did want to mention that I was thinking about turning the "High action space adventure" thing into a story as a side-by-side thing and continue writing the adventure here. It nice because I don't have the option to have writer's block; I have to push through. Also, check for rewrites if you are interested in the story, as I plan to improve the storytelling aspect.
LOG FROM THE CAPTAIN BEGINS WITH: Well, we have finally made our way deeper into the wreckage that used to be our lower decks. The science crew and the engineering crew have had to split resources between carving into the room that holds all our food stores and building the mining vessel. The trek was long and dangerous as many sectors were covered by sparking wires and haphazard lengths of exposed conduits. With power rerouted and diverted to emergency lighting, this made things safer and more bearable. END CAPTAINS LOG
~~**BzzttZZBT** A signal from earth can be heard in the distance..
Well, I am kind of depressed today. I am not trying to be a "Debbie Downer" or a "Negative Nancy" but my buddy finally had to leave. There is no stopping normal life. What makes it a bit worse is that he has a beautiful female dog and the both of us have grown close as friends. I have to say it's one of the best non-sexual relationships I have had with any creature. Now don't get me wrong he will be back it's just sad to know that my life is going to go back to a boring humdrum daily routine.
So I am sat here with a bit of tears trying to escape. It sounds goofy but two of my favorite individuals just metaphorically rode off into the sunset. It's not like I won't get over it it's just like ugh. My girl is a little ticked off at me because I couldn't take her on the car ride to his car. So that's great. Now she is going to be a turd to me for the next couple of days.
So moving on now that I got that out of my system. My other buddy here seems to have thrown together what looks like a pot roast. That's a bit exciting. I love pot roast except for the fact you know the whole animal thing that freaks me out x.x. I just don't want to hurt animals and by eating meat I feel like I am pushing an industry I don't agree with.
I am just heartbroken all over today x.x I just feel down and I feel bad that it's going to reflect in this post but I guess that's one of the reasons why I am doing these. I need to show people we aren't monsters we are normal people that have different interests.
Speaking of that since I'm in an odd mood I want to give my opinion on a blog that is certainly higher quality than mine. https://www.zoovilleforum.net/resources/zooier-than-thou.9/ Zooier Than Thou is a podcast that brings issues and concerns forwards as well as advocates for zoo rights. Now I have only listened to 3/4 of a single episode and an old episode so my opinion might not be worth much but here goes. I was listening to the coming-out episode. Let me tell you guys something "The worst that could happen to the normal person is they won't be able to get a job somewhere" Sorry that's BS.
I was blackmailed once, years ago, it ruined my life for years and I'm sure has had an effect on my current health. Let's start off with I lost my job, my two beautiful girls, and by extension the ability to pay bills. Then I lost my house and had to move in with a random zoo that I found on the internet. I then shortly after lost my vehicle and had to rely on everyone to give me rides anywhere. Thank god the zoo community is as caring as I have seen as literally, they were my ride. The story doesn't end there because getting established is a lot harder than you may know. I lost multiple dogs along the way whether it was because the next roommate couldn't have them or my vehicle being broken into.
Then to make it worse my own brother made me get rid of the only dog I had, after I experienced all, that trauma because his girlfriend didn't believe in my zoo lifestyle. This comes after I told him to follow wherever love takes him. You see I was living with him at the time. I told him in response to asking me if he should let his girlfriend move in. He knew she meant the world to me and I was there first. He told me I was a cool guy and that he loved me and respected my feelings. Well, clearly not. It's sad that I trusted and confided in him.
I am set up now and have a place. I try not to think back on the things that have happened because they are just so gut-wrenching that it's honestly insanity. So you can see why when Zooier Than Thou says
The worst that could happen to the normal person is they won't be able to get a job somewhere" I say that's BS because there are a lot worse things that may and probably will happen. I love their podcast but the world isn't shitting rainbows and farting skittles. I respect what they are doing I just can't lose my girl again not this one, not this time. It would kill me literally, I know in my heart.
LOG FROM THE CAPTAIN BEGINS WITH: Executive Technician Bones has figured a way to restore the damaged systems by rerouting power. Repair crews cleared the way to open up the lower decks finally. It was a long process as wires and conduits threw sparks at random intervals. After some time, Bones was able to shut down power to the damaged systems. We had to carefully redistribute life support from the main deck to these lower decks. This is a short-term solution. Repairs are going to require more material. Materials that we don't have. Bone's team is working round the clock to figure out an answer to this issue. So far, it seems that we can cobble together a makeshift mining barge by welding two escape pods together and using redundant backup systems in the vessel. We have enough scrap and parts to make the small ship. Ironically, we will have to use the last of the repair parts from Storage Deck B to create the mining ship. Most of the repair parts were in maintenance when the hyperdrive detonated. This led to the jettisoning of repair parts through space. The only way to fix the ship is to build another. Like I said, a small mining vessel. Sadly this isn't the only thing we have to do. Engineering is working with the Science Department to create extrusion machines. Without these machines, large quadrants of the ship will never be able to function. The parts on this ship need to be precise and just winging it won't cut it. We are in the process of turning old living quarters into extrusion rooms. This has yielded benefits as well. The old computers and screens that are present in these rooms can be used on the mining vessel. END CAPTAINS LOG
~~**BzzttZZBT** A signal from earth can be heard in the distance..
First off I want to mention that all three of my old blogs have been updated with some extra story.
Wow, I'm writing this late nonetheless here it is. I am up so late because I was doing some gaming with a buddy and then suddenly the network went down. Sadly the internet I have seems to be of very poor quality. Not much currently that I can do about it. Just have to suffer with it for now.
So I am here in bed typing this. My girl is getting kinda pissed at me because she wants to cuddle. I love her, my four-legged beauty. She is one of the most important individuals in my life. Whatever she wants she gets! Anyway, she kissed me and we made out a bit its always a nice wind down. Soon we will be watching some TV together and probably fall asleep cuddling. This has to be one of my favorite parts of the day.
My day went fairly smoothly. I ended up eating lasagna tonight with friends. I had to pick some up at the store because it was a bit of a last-minute thing. Then I remembered. Frozen lasagna takes 2 hours to cook. Yeah, ouch, not exactly a last-minute option. We waited it out and finally got to eat some tasty sauce-covered noodles!
I have to say I am fairly tired and have been bombarded with a massive migraine all day. It's been a bit of a pain but I pushed through. It just feels like massive pressure has built up in my head. I am hoping some sleep will alleviate the pain. If not, wait a minute I have migraine medicine one sec... I will be right back lol... Well, I can't believe that I went all day without thinking about the fact that I have some pills for that. I haven't had a migraine lately so it hasn't literally crossed my mind.