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Bambi's Blog - The Doggy Diaries!

Bambi's Blog - The Doggy Diaries!

So romantic, I love it.
definitely loved reading through, find it kinda romantic you took your first knot on valentines day haha
Miss Bambi
Miss Bambi
isn't it!?!?!?
Your story is very good and may you have a life as you want, without prejudices.
Also, have a happy birthday today.
Miss Bambi
Miss Bambi
thanks a bunch!!! <3 glad you liked it!!
Absolutely love your commentary. Keep up the good work. Love hearing about your experiences 🥰
What a great read. I'm glad there's others out there who's desires have basically always been there for as long as they have been active.
Wonderful blog! Very well written and makes me feel like I was there.
Miss Bambi
Miss Bambi
so glad you liked it!!! <3
the blanket part made me smirk ;)
Miss Bambi
Miss Bambi
hehe!!! how come, relatable experience or something? ;P
Absolutely endearing. Love your writing and how well you paint with your words. I can hear your expression in your writing. Truly a dream!
Miss Bambi
Miss Bambi
these comments genuinely make my day, thank you so much!!! stay tuned!!
I'm happy to have read this and by extension I'm glad that a place like this exists. I'm glad there is a space for people like you and the rest of us here can express ourselves as zos and not feel judged or lesser for it. I'm glad you're so optimistic about the future in regards to romance and sexuality.

Where ever you end up, I hope it's every bit of what you wished for it to be as you wrote the last of your paragraphs here. Makes me wish I wasn't the reclusive bastard that I am.
Miss Bambi
Miss Bambi
that is so kind of you, thank you!

i'm hoping things pan out for you, too <3 genuinely. i'll bet you have lots to offer and that someone will bring you out of your shell someday
I like the way you write so freely and that makes me happy. It's a shame that when I translate it into Spanish I lose some content. See if you can add more details to what you say, that enriches and excites.
Miss Bambi
Miss Bambi
thank you so much!!!
maybe someday i'll learn spanish and i can translate it for you hehe
Brilliantly written!
Miss Bambi
Miss Bambi
thank you so much!!!
Very sexy!
Well written experience.
Miss Bambi
Miss Bambi
that means so much!! thank you!!
Love this, thanks for sharing your story 😍
Miss Bambi
Miss Bambi
thank you so much!!!
Very interesting read. It's nice that you're open to meeting the "right one" (even though your dog most likely is haha), as I believe that both dogs and humans bring different things to the table. It is also possible that you will value different things as you age.Your style of writing is interesting as I feel like I'm in a conversation with someone friendly who's just telling me about their experience which is a good thing. You also seem like a fun gal to be around. Unrelated, but I'm guessing you're fellow HxH fan from Pitou profile pic? ✨
Miss Bambi
Miss Bambi
thank you so much! i'm glad you liked the blog!!!

and yes!!! i love hxh, so guilty as charged >:3
Great read. I'd be interested to hear how you approach/plan to approach human dating as an active zoo. As I see it, our options are kind of limited: date normally and hide being a zoo forever (sad), date normally and hope your partner ends up being zoo positive/neutral (scary), or try to meet and date other zoos online (difficult and scary).
Miss Bambi
Miss Bambi
hmmm actually that's a good topic! i think in the near future maybe writing about future relationship stuff might be interesting. thanks for the review!!!
Your story really inspires me. I can't wait to hear more 🤤. You expressed feelings very well.
Miss Bambi
Miss Bambi
so happy to hear!!! :3
Even though you had your experiences with males, it’s great that you still have a loving relationship with Lou! He seems like a great partner, pfft. Hope to see more blogs from you.
Miss Bambi
Miss Bambi
High school boys aren't exactly well known for being good in bed, so it's no trouble! and you will definitely be seeing more blogs from me, thanks for the review <3
Wonderful read and great insights. Keep it up. [:♡