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Zoo Philosophy [Article] Animal Lovers: Zoophiles Make Scientists Rethink Human Sexuality

very well written and informative
Excellent article, and having particpated in Hani's survey and Weinburg's and Williams's weekend on the farm, it encouraging to see the positive impact over and over of these efforts to dispel myth and misconception. Looks like this gent has a much longer treatise on pervy topics: https://www.jessebering.com/books/perv
Its wonderful to read article that does not ridicule condem may i just add i am single but my choice also very intellegent also never ashamed who i am or what i like as simply do not knock it until you try it lol xxx
Awesome! I'd like to sit down with this guy and answer his question. His open mind, in spite of his biases is refreshing. I struggle, I REALLY struggle with the speciesism of my fellow humans. For the most part the only ones I want anything to do with are selected other zoophiles...
Amazing to see someone from a respected western university challenging the satus quo. Has re-awakened some hope in my heart that a brighter future for us may be possible.
I particularly appreciated the statement: "And scientific researchers appear to be slowly conceding that zoophilia may be a genuine human sexual orientation."

I remain forever hopeful that one day Zoophilia will be accepted as a "sexual orientation".
An excellent piece which neither explicitly promotes or condemns zoophilia, but rather approaches the issue from a neutral, educated, non-zoo perspective, dispelling common myths such as the idea that zoophiles are intellectually impaired, that zoophiles only seek animals because they lack human partners, that zoophilia and zoosadism are one in the same, etc.