saddlebum66 Supreme Citizen of ZV Monday at 11:46 PM #9,140 Rochester, Kent, England 'S'tick it, wicket
K9Evangelist Citizen of Zooville Tuesday at 12:11 AM #9,141 Salisbury, Wiltshire, England. Location of the best preserved of the four surviving Magna Carta manuscripts from 1215AD. 'T' up next.
Salisbury, Wiltshire, England. Location of the best preserved of the four surviving Magna Carta manuscripts from 1215AD. 'T' up next.
saddlebum66 Supreme Citizen of ZV Tuesday at 4:23 PM #9,150 Blue Ball, Pennsylvania....A great town to visit if you miss Intercourse. 'C' all ahead for Directions
Blue Ball, Pennsylvania....A great town to visit if you miss Intercourse. 'C' all ahead for Directions