mythicalcreations- Has been removed

Mythical Creations has been removed and banned due to ties to pedo dolls.
Recent evidence was brought to our attention on MC had other sites relating to underage type dolls, and the website still had an old page that was not obvious unless searched which showed a trace of his past products.

The user has been banned, with all threads relating to the brand removed, as well as the ads.
If anyone has been working on interest on his products. It's best to back out and not support MC.
I cant believe it went that long without someone noticing that. Literally infront of everyone to see
View attachment 556822

Fortunately blockers do not allow the images, but it is clear from the text and their logo is also at the bottom of the page. The age is written on this doll.

I know that they also make non-sexual dolls adult and children (ads, marketing, clothes, photos etc). Maybe they tried to find a market in this cp area as well, then they realized it would be too much. Too much, idiots.
The saddest part of all is that humanity is still there, that zoophilia and cp go hand in hand. :rolleyes:

Did they give any explanation for this?

That screenshot is the most fucked up copy writing I have ever read... 😅
yeah, similarly how everyone who ever did weed now does heroin... oh wait.

"banned and removed" is kinda odd example of unhappy.

Aye, the idea that the products will lead to a slippery-slope, and inevitably to somewhere tragic, is a fallacy. That's true.

But, it depends who you'd want to ally with, really. It's politics, rather than ethics: if zoophiles see themselves as automatic allies with all alternative sexual interests, then supporting the sale of sex dolls modelled on kids makes political sense.

Personally, I'd rather not be seen that way. My take on zoophilia is that we open the door to enjoying sexual encounters with other consenting adults, be they of different species or not. Since I only support mutually-consenting relationships with other adults (human or not), I'm okay with not including articles of pedophilia in our support ring.
But, it depends who you'd want to ally with, really. It's politics, rather than ethics:
i guess i do see that angle. seeing how it seems like most "high profile" arrests are of someone who also happens to be pedo, having and ad linking to something related to them might not be that good.
possibly weird take, what is wrong with loli dolls? is it not a good thing to keep them preoccupied with a random piece of plastic rather than have them lurking around places like kid parks and schools?
That's a good point and one that's been brought up many times. But here's the problem:
1: Someone who manufactures pedo dolls is 100% a pedo.
2: If they are manufacturing and SELLING pedo dolls, they are making money.
3: If they truly are a pedo (which they are if they're manufacturing pedo dolls) chances are that if they make enough money, they will direct some of that money toward things like human trafficking, distributing CP, ETC

The only thing worse than a pedo is a rich pedo. And there's already tons of those.
possibly weird take, what is wrong with loli dolls? is it not a good thing to keep them preoccupied with a random piece of plastic rather than have them lurking around places like kid parks and schools?
I was thinking the same thing. What I saw makes my skin crawl, but I can't act on that. One reason is most people would say the same about zoo.

But, it depends who you'd want to ally with, really. It's politics, rather than ethics: if zoophiles see themselves as automatic allies with all alternative sexual interests, then supporting the sale of sex dolls modelled on kids makes political sense.
True, and another consideration is drawing heat to the zoo community. A pedo doll maker is way more likely to get busted for real pedo down the line, and ZV doesn't want to be his business partner when that happens.
yeah, real shame the guy was such a sick perverted pedo piece of shit
We don't know he's a pedo, we just know he manufactured child dolls. Maybe money hunger or maybe pedo. Unfortunately, this could have been suspected in advance, that on a built-up production line it is possible to produce not only animal-shaped dolls, but also other ones, so the income money will be much better. We dont know.
We don't even know how many people work are in the company and how many of them were involved in this shit.

Of course, threads, ads and accounts will definitely be deleted and bans.
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Love the Devil's Advocate style pedo defenders who always show up to defend pedos who get banned here.

But, what if.....but what if......but what if.......
U mother, shitface.

View attachment 564103
Thanks for proving my exact point.

Did YOU notice, the way the entire membership just noticed, the way you immediately knew, without being named directly, that you are exactly one of the douchebags I was refering to?

You've been on my ignore list for as long as you've been here. I only responded at all specifically to call you out for what you are.

Now, crawl back under whatever slimy rock you crawled out from and take your poor attempt at broken english with you when you go, and your pedo sympathies.

That's a good point and one that's been brought up many times. But here's the problem:
1: Someone who manufactures pedo dolls is 100% a pedo.
2: If they are manufacturing and SELLING pedo dolls, they are making money.
3: If they truly are a pedo (which they are if they're manufacturing pedo dolls) chances are that if they make enough money, they will direct some of that money toward things like human trafficking, distributing CP, ETC

The only thing worse than a pedo is a rich pedo. And there's already tons of those.

Life is weird and you often end up selling products to communities that are unrelated to you. I used to help at a store that sold products tailored to a certain demographic, but I am sure as heck I was not related to that demographic group at all. Basically I think your first point is not necessarily true.

I personally have no issues if people enacts their fantasies with a big chunk of colored plastic. The problem is if you willingly associate with somebody known to work with that industry and cooperate with pedo groups, you are just painting a bullseye on your chest, so avoidance is a necessary political decision.
Based on our interactions with the store owner it does appear it was just one guy running the whole thing. He wasn't necessarily responsible for any production - he was drop shipping the orders to China then directly getting them shipped out to customers from the manufacturer. I would like to give him the benefit of the doubt about him being a pedo... it's more than likely the China squad let him know they also make child-like dolls in their warehouse and he was like 'yeah fuck it - more money'.

All in all... cheap China TPE dolls being drop shipped for a pretty penny.
Based on our interactions with the store owner it does appear it was just one guy running the whole thing. He wasn't necessarily responsible for any production - he was drop shipping the orders to China then directly getting them shipped out to customers from the manufacturer. I would like to give him the benefit of the doubt about him being a pedo... it's more than likely the China squad let him know they also make child-like dolls in their warehouse and he was like 'yeah fuck it - more money'.

All in all... cheap China TPE dolls being drop shipped for a pretty penny.
So, what was he trying to sell to you? Sounds like he was basically contracting others to make the products?

It does kind of feel like a shame that this was the guy's goal; I wonder if any product like this could ever be able to start again. Could another business like this start up with a clean background? I'm sure there's money to be made somehow, if not here than in the furry community.

Also, are factories just sitting around in china for random products to get assigned to? Now we basically know that this guy wasn't even a part of the production, just ordering them to be made. He even said that they needed a single person forking up the money to make a new doll mold, with the cheaper production of more dolls after the mold is done being less of the focus I assume? How *is* that a business strategy? Communism, I guess.
So, what was he trying to sell to you? Sounds like he was basically contracting others to make the products?

It does kind of feel like a shame that this was the guy's goal; I wonder if any product like this could ever be able to start again. Could another business like this start up with a clean background? I'm sure there's money to be made somehow, if not here than in the furry community.

Also, are factories just sitting around in china for random products to get assigned to? Now we basically know that this guy wasn't even a part of the production, just ordering them to be made. He even said that they needed a single person forking up the money to make a new doll mold, with the cheaper production of more dolls after the mold is done being less of the focus I assume? How *is* that a business strategy? Communism, I guess.

Correct - with respect to him though we did entertain the offer initially as we were interested in adopting his product range to accompany ours (we only do fleshlights and dildos).

We're new ourselves but we did have the finance to buy him out - absolutely not now though based on this potential pedo finding - what an awful thing to inherit from a business... But yes you are correct - he never actually created the model himself or had any hand in production. It was a drop shipment. You give him money - he sends it to China - China asks for X price - he keeps the difference from what the customer purchased it for from his store - it's just a basic drop shipping hustle.

Very easy to replace him though as I doubt he had any IP over the dog model. Even if he did it would be very easy just to replace the model and source a cheaper provider in China. Unfortunately all of these dolls come from China as silicone production is cheaper out there. If we were to create a model ourselves and handle production it would definitely be about 4x the cost just to make the same profit margin on it - just not worth it and still a total rip off for crappy TPE silicone.

In regards to your question about factories holding stock ready to ship/partner with another brand - kinda yeah. It's more than likely he found one that had a dog doll and he just started marketing it. It's probably from aliexpress or alibaba to be honest. I can imagine he raised the idea of a new model to the China manufacturer and then they quoted him for a custom doll. If he was a good business owner he should have invested his profits from the dog model to get a horse one made up - just an amateur really - not a real maker.
Correct - with respect to him though we did entertain the offer initially as we were interested in adopting his product range to accompany ours (we only do fleshlights and dildos).

We're new ourselves but we did have the finance to buy him out - absolutely not now though based on this potential pedo finding - what an awful thing to inherit from a business... But yes you are correct - he never actually created the model himself or had any hand in production. It was a drop shipment. You give him money - he sends it to China - China asks for X price - he keeps the difference from what the customer purchased it for from his store - it's just a basic drop shipping hustle.

Very easy to replace him though as I doubt he had any IP over the dog model. Even if he did it would be very easy just to replace the model and source a cheaper provider in China. Unfortunately all of these dolls come from China as silicone production is cheaper out there. If we were to create a model ourselves and handle production it would definitely be about 4x the cost just to make the same profit margin on it - just not worth it and still a total rip off for crappy TPE silicone.

In regards to your question about factories holding stock ready to ship/partner with another brand - kinda yeah. It's more than likely he found one that had a dog doll and he just started marketing it. It's probably from aliexpress or alibaba to be honest. I can imagine he raised the idea of a new model to the China manufacturer and then they quoted him for a custom doll. If he was a good business owner he should have invested his profits from the dog model to get a horse one made up - just an amateur really - not a real maker.
In my impression, There is a design reference image on his product introduction page, and the information on that image is Chinese. And based on my experience, this style of reference image is commonly used in China. So from my perspective, it's the factory, not him design the doll.
Mythical Creations has been removed and banned due to ties to pedo dolls.
Recent evidence was brought to our attention on MC had other sites relating to underage type dolls, and the website still had an old page that was not obvious unless searched which showed a trace of his past products.

The user has been banned, with all threads relating to the brand removed, as well as the ads.
If anyone has been working on interest on his products. It's best to back out and not support MC.
Thanks for standing on principle instead of seeing dollar signs. This was the right move 1000% tysm.
*Alot of images and some few texts. This is edited, as I dont feel like to have all this shown for basically my reaction*
Jesus the text on that first image. My honest reaction to it:

Just a shame that this happens :( The dog doll idea was a great one. I guess we would need to wait or look far for a replacement. Even then, I fear this might had made a dark mark for such doll to come out to light again, as Im sure all of us here will have a bad taste in our mouth from MC and his dog doll