Feeling of guilt

Dogs like humans can and will give consent when they want something. Your bitch has decided that you are the one to give her relief when she WANTS it. She has come to you. Not the other way around. Your bitch wanted to be with you and for you to arouse her. If she did not want it (sex) she would have left. Bitches that don't want sex with other dogs will just sit down.

If she comes around for more simulation she will have chosen you. It is now up to you if you want for the "fun" stuff to continue, then you must give her consent.

No need for guilt, unless you feel ashamed of the event. Me, I would feel lucky that the bitch had chosen me. But I'm a zoo.
I think a good place to start would be giving your friend her agency back. In two-legger sociality, some might say you coerced her. In the real world where two organisms are spending time together, you made an offer and your friend communicated that it was favorable and took you up on it. It's important to realize that human sociality is not the Actual World. Human sociality doesn't mean shit on the moon or when you're dying of heat stroke on the Gobi desert. Humans have this very solipsistic view that they are the only organisms with adult desires and needs, and I think a lot of anti sentiment stems from the idea that humans are somehow exceptional or that human objectives are more important than everyone else's. Step outside the pseudoimaginary world two-leggers mistake for reality and look again. You are an organism trying to live your life in the least unpleasant way possible, and so is she. The actions she chooses to take communicate pretty clearly what she finds pleasant. You gave that to her, and while you may (or may not) owe some guilt or shame to the other humans in your sphere, it sounds like you owe none to her.

Edit: I should clarify that I don't mean "do it more and don't worry about it". You are human and human social concerns are something you should weigh in deciding whether to continue with your friend or just stay friends without benefits. Neither I nor anyone here is really qualified to make that decision for you. I just mean that you have permission to not feel guilty to her specifically, and since this occurred in private between you and her, she is the only one you owe a duty of care to and you seem to have met that duty.

If you feel it most prudent to not continue, remember that many intimate friendships do not have a sexual element and are still entirely rewarding and supportive. This is possible regardless of the number of legs your friend has.
Well put. Once you start to understand that animals are very emotionally complex just like us, have different modes of communication, and that you as a person have so many biases (humans are intrinsicly narcissistic thinking that we're the most important species on the planet), it becomes much much easier in being able to communicate with animals.

For example, I'm taking care of my parents and they have 2 dogs. I'm not really attracted sexually to them, but they're much friendlier to me than my parents because I know that they're looking for moments of genuine gentleness. they've had these dogs for years before I got to meet them, but they approach me, jump on the bed to wake me up, and even smile. Learning how to communicate is incredibly important, and she humped your hand because she felt something, and most importantly she approached you. The guilt is a social and religions byproduct only experienced by us.
So lately with this fetish i've been having feelings of guilt (I think)
Is that a common occurrence or maybe a sign i should consider stopping my interest?
I can’t say if it’s a common occurrence or not but I’ve definitely experienced it as well. I’d say the best course of action is to find the source of it and consider what you can do about it. If you discover it’s an either or thing (ie you want thing a or thing b but you can’t have both) think about which option would bring you more happiness and don’t be afraid to take action. I realise it seems an obvious solution but it did take someone saying it directly to me to consider doing it. I’ve realised I’ll eventually have to give this up but I’ll have my fun in the next few years before I do that lol. Also remember to always consider your safety, this kind of thing can put you in a lot of hot water. Hope this helps :)
If no one is being hurt, and it provides joy in your life, the guilt isn't worth your concern. Society decided it's wrong from some kind of puritan movement and there's no justification behind it. And that's just recent society. Opinions on who you can or can't have sex with are different around the world and change frequently on a historical time scale.
If you are active with a dog, you should know that it's good for him, to have a release. It's good for you too, and so there's no reason to feel guilt, although it's natural to feel that way at first
It's natural to feel guilty, at first, I know I did the first few times. Mean, I lost my virginity to a dog. Interspecies mating something where conditioned not to do or feel like that it's wrong. But why is it wrong? Because society tells us it is? Fuck them. If it feels good, it can't be wrong. And trust me, it feels amazing. 😉
We're all mentally shackled to modern day morality in some way. Guilt is a common feeling. You have to craft your own principles and decide what you believe in. If this is something that is dear to you, and you are causing no harm, stand by it. You're not alone.
I think its pretty common with the current taboo surrounding zoophilia, but its always been a thing and the moral issue has been everpresent. I struggle with the same problem so I feel you.
Everyone is wired differently. There are so many factors involved depending on one’s upbringing, sexual preferences, religion etc …. Sexual relations between humans and animals have been depicted in art and literature since the beginning of civilization. I personally haven’t had a single moment of guilt or regret from the very first experience I had. It just felt like such a natural reaction of instant, dare I say love ❤️ that I had when I realized that I was not only being pleasured, but also pleasuring my dog. I mean every person loves their pets as family of course. But to be sexually active with them and seeing and feeling them being pleased takes it to a whole other level.
I also had a feelings of guilt in the past. They came mainly from the lack of self understanding, later when I came to terms with it and found community (RIP Beast forum) that understands me those feelings mostly went away. From time to time I still feel some bugging feelings when I cannot be totally open about it with other people around me.
It's natural to feel guilty, at first, I know I did the first few times. Mean, I lost my virginity to a dog. Interspecies mating something where conditioned not to do or feel like that it's wrong. But why is it wrong? Because society tells us it is? Fuck them. If it feels good, it can't be wrong. And trust me, it feels amazing. 😉
A lot of things are two-faced in society. Many consider themselves believers, but they kill, lie, steal from other people... animal lovers eat animals... You are a very good girl who makes life better for dogs... and for yourself... 😊 😘
I want to say that it's probably pretty normal. Because of all the laws surrounding it and how villainized even just the desire is, it's easy to question if there's something wrong with you that needs fixed. Even for someone like me who hasn't engaged in any act, but enjoys viewing content and fantasizing, I find myself doing a lot of reflection, thinking about how I don't know anyone I can be open with this about, how if people found out I could lose everything, and I have to go to great extremes to remotely satisfy my urges to a point where I couldn't possibly argue that it's an accident and even if I didn't get any criminal charges, my social life would be over indefinitely. Maybe religion could also play a part in it, but in short, yes. I do often feel guilt, but I think it's mostly guilt related to consequences, guilt surrounding being found out. Maybe that's immature, but it's what I feel.
i wasn't necessarily born zoophilic, but developed the attraction after years of grooming, specifically being forced to engage in acts with animals by men.

because of this, i feel really guilty about my attraction, especially with the things people say about zoos. Im trying so hard to accept myself, but it feels impossible.. has anyone struggled like this?
This is a place to find others with similar experiences or feelings and talk about them. You're very welcome here.
You're 18 and you've had forced sexual encounters?

Sounds like you need to be talking to a qualified mental health professional, not a random internet forum.
Assuming this was before being 18.

I haven't had a forced interaction. But I've had an attraction when younger, and finding others online to chat with and looking more into the lifestyle helped me with guilt. Some of it also involved being with a real dog. My first one so for me it helped set it in stone.

You'll always see talks about people downing zoophilia.
Agreed....If it isnt a BS story, It would be a surprise....No one goes thru that til age 18, and comes out smiling and ready to share.
sorry! im not really excited or anything, im moreso trying to look for a means to accept myself, and didn't know where else to turn. ive been struggling with this for so so long & was just trying to see if anyone else could relate or provide guidance.

im in therapy and on medication but it's hard for me to bring up.

You're 18 and you've had forced sexual encounters?

Sounds like you need to be talking to a qualified mental health professional, not a random internet forum.
I am, but the issue is that forcing has lead to an attraction now. I don't know if it's something that'll go away or not, so I came here for support.
Being forced, it's not your fault. You didn't ask for it or want it. Up to now, you have no guilt or shame or blame. I know it's easy to say that and harder to feel it, but it's the simple truth.
What you do from now on, is your choice. (I am assuming...hoping.. you are now safe from those people). You need to make a concentrated effort to stay away from people who might drag you back in. In fact, stay away from all people as best you can, simply because you're probably been conditioned into a ready made victim and you and the predators are going to be drawn together, and you'll get sucked back into bad situations. You'll need time to settle and mature where you can handle humanity again.
As for animals, you need to be very cautious. You didn't come by it naturally, you've been conditioned into a sexual response. It's going to be connected to the trauma and guilt you carry with you, in addition to the stigma and judgement that everyone goes through. Stay away from the porn. Stay away from the horndogs on here.
Bottom line, this is basically a forum advocating for sex with animals, not against. But many people here have been through the wringer of depression and guilt, some have been found out and lost relationships with friends and family, so you may find some support or at least company there. You'll also find porn, stories, and encouragement to further your experiences with animals, which may be bad for you....
Being here for support is somewhat like filling a Dirigible with Hydrogen, rather than Helium....its simply a matter of time before it explodes in your face.

If force and coercion are issues,you've come to the right place....you'll end up with more of those than you can stand. I WISH you luck, but this is no place to look for help. Even the well-meaning here have ulterior motives. If your therapist knows youre here, you need a new therapist. If you haven't shared this with your therapist, do so. It's another symptom, not a cure.
One if you were actually forced that act was criminal in all context of it. Two if you don’t wish it again come to terms and let it go. Three if you find yourself enjoying it come to terms that all though it wasn’t your choice and you wouldn’t have chose it you enjoy it. Be honest with yourself accept yourself. For good or bad you can not alter the past but you can choose your future. You have will find the strength to go forward how YOU CHOOSE!!
i wasn't necessarily born zoophilic, but developed the attraction after years of grooming, specifically being forced to engage in acts with animals by men.

because of this, i feel really guilty about my attraction, especially with the things people say about zoos. Im trying so hard to accept myself, but it feels impossible.. has anyone struggled like this?

Not everyone here has a good bedside manner, so you will get some rather blunt and brash responses, but I sorta of went through something similar to you, as far as guilt goes. Just be patient, accept your feelings, don't listen to what others say about it (unless positive), and embrace it until you are worry free.

Welcome to the site, as well.
It is probably more about who has forced you thatn the attaction to the animals. If and when you can get your head clear and accept that this was no your fault then if the attraction to animals is still there and it is something that you enjoy then there is nothign wrong with having a pet as your companion. So many girls who have been abused often actually find peace with their pet as they dont judge like people do.