Ban The User Above You!

Awww !
Banned for being too cute to stay mad at. Even if you continue to break the rules.
Alrighty then! Seems fair enough! But don'tcha know in Native American lore coyotes are the little mischievous, tricksters, and trouble makers? Got to stay true to form being that I am part Native American. :gsd_happysmile:

You seem to be real awesome btw! Love your pfp. Such a cute pup. :gsd_love:
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Banned for not knowing the rules before acting. Which is the textbook definition of a ban!
Well i guess i've be a really bad yote who needs to be punished! i think spankings are in order!:gsd_wink: * waggles rear in the air, says, " Anybody care to discipline me?"*:gsd_nerd: