
  1. ZTHorse

    Zoo Research and Data 2022 Zooville.org Study - Measurement and Correlates of Zoophilic Interest Online - Peer Reviewed

    The Study was completed by the University of Saskatchewan and accepted into the Archives of Sexual Behavior after completing peer-review. The university resource is located here, and a copy of the .pdf was kindly provided for zooville.org https://doi.org/10.1007/s10508-022-02429-x Alexandra...
  2. NexusTheDergVR

    This site is now saying the Certificate is invalid

    The site is now saying the certificate is invalid upon loading making me have to press 2 extra options before getting on this site. This wasn't the case a few hours ago as it said secure
  3. K

    New to ZooVille

    Hello all! I am new to ZooVille jumped on here to see if there was a post about any good Beast sites and started to read some forms then decided to join. And sense there still aren't very many I'm in the progress of learning HTML and JavaScript to get one up an running (hopefully). The one I...
  4. Knotveryinterested

    How much time do you spend in Zoovilleforum?

    Unit: [hours/ per week] ~ in average Only zoovilleforum.net Mainly intended for old members. However, newcomers (who initially spend more time) can also cast their votes. Feel free to vote! I look forward to active participation! :)
  5. PitbullLove

    A Question To The Zooville Admin

    I have some questions for the administrators. Question 1 How big is the forum Zooville in size Gigabit / GB Question 2 How much does the forum grow every day week month?
  6. Keily

    How did you find Zooville

    I got a link from a zoo friend How did you find Zooville?
  7. FloofyNewfie

    How many here have actually read ZooVilles rules?

    I'm curious to see how many people here have actually fully read the rules of ZooVille? I pretty much have them all memorized at this point. Rules can be found here 》https://www.zooville.org/threads/zooville-rules.20410/
  8. admin

    Advertising on Zooville

    Zooville's staff would like to take a moment to introduce our new advertising offering to the community. Starting in November, Zooville will begin displaying a banner ad on the sidebar of our front page in an on going effort to cover server costs and ensure the continued operation of our...